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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Rescue workers prepare to search for blast victims in the rubble of a police headquarters mosque in Peshawar on Jan. 30 after a suicide bombing. As of Jan. 31, the bombing has killed at least 100 people and wounded at least 225.

Nation & World News Feb. 2

By Tribune News Service February 1, 2023

Ex-Fox News employee sues over sexual abuse under survivors act A former Fox News employee who said she was sexually abused by the network’s late chief executive Roger Ailes has fi led a lawsuit under...

China’s leadership grab on climate change

China’s leadership grab on climate change

By John Tagliani November 26, 2020
With most news this year eclipsed by the global pandemic, it was easy to miss China’s declaration in September of carbon neutrality by 2060.
Coronavirus does not justify racism

Coronavirus does not justify racism

By John Turner February 13, 2020
This state of mind is toxic because it allows xenophobia to take center stage instead of the well-being of those affected being the main priority. 

Two Cornell University students test negative for coronavirus

By Cora Payne, Assistant News Editor February 12, 2020
Two Cornell University students who were quarantined for symptoms that met criteria for the 2019 novel coronavirus tested negative, according to a statement issued by Cornell University administrators
Shaianne Osterreich, associate professor in the Department of Economics, warns that trade wars between the U.S. and China could wreak havoc.

Commentary: Trade wars threaten to wreak havoc for the US

By Shaianne Osterreich April 4, 2018
And, to be clear, previous administrations might have done something similar but it would not have been so blatant and highly visible.
Letter to the Editor: Unity for Tibet wants to spread awareness

Letter to the Editor: Unity for Tibet wants to spread awareness

By Unity for Tibet March 7, 2018
As well, those in support of Tibet can join on March 10 the annual Uprising Day demonstrations, one of which will be held in downtown Ithaca.
Cynthia Henderson, professor in the Department of Theatre Arts, began working at Ithaca College in 2000, and she became the first African-American woman to earn tenure at the college in 2007.

Ithaca professor leads social justice workshops at Juilliard

By Colin Tessier, Staff Writer September 26, 2017
“The point of those exercises is to teach you what your gut reaction is, so you can learn what your inherent biases are and point them out.”

Commentary: Trump needs to end this protracted war

By Raza Rumi August 30, 2017
This is not the time to send more soldiers but to wrap up a protracted war through diplomatic and political means.
From left, then sophomore Tsering Yangkey, junior Ngawang Chime, Ithaca College freshman Tenzin Chonden and sophomore Tashi Choezom display a Tibetan flag during International week. They each served on Unity Tibet's e-board Spring 2017.

New club raises awareness of human rights issues in Tibet

By Silas White, Assistant Life & Culture Editor August 30, 2017
“There is self-immolation happening in Tibet, and a lot of people don’t know about it,”
Patricia Zimmermann is a professor of Screen Studies in the Park School and is the author of several books including "Reel Families: A Social History of Amateur Film" and "Thinking Through Digital Media: Transnational Environments and Locative Places."

Q&A: Patricia Zimmermann discusses her global contributions

By Matt Ristaino, Staff Writer May 1, 2017
"What matters is having clarity that democratic communication can be made no matter what technology you have," Zimmermann said.
Chinese law sparks Muslim uprisings

Chinese law sparks Muslim uprisings

By Isabella Grullón Paz April 5, 2017
Ironically, it is the years of this abuse, oppression and marginalization that has led the Uyghurs to become aggressive toward the Chinese government.
Yiyun Li will read from her memoir, “Dear Friend, From My Life I Write to You in Your Life,” at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 28 in Clarke lounge as part of the Distinguished Visiting Writers Series.

Distinguished Visiting Writer Series hosts memoirist Yiyun Li

By Colin Barrett, Staff Writer February 28, 2017
Eleanor Henderson said the writing department looks for acclaimed authors who will challenge new writers and help them with their own projects.
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