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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Although no physical bus hub has been built yet, Ferguson said the DIA will consult the survey along with other bus hubs surrounding Ithaca, like Burlington, Vermont, Binghamton and Corning, New York, for ideas.

Downtown Ithaca Alliance plans to create a new bus hub

By Vivian Rose, Staff Writer April 12, 2023
The Downtown Ithaca Alliance is currently looking into creating an intercity bus hub in the City of Ithaca for people to wait for buses that travel between cities.
Katie Foley '01 said her degree from Ithaca College provided a well-rounded educational experience that equipped her to successfully run the Silo Food Truck.

Q&A: Alum discusses experience of owning a food truck business

By Prakriti Panwar, Assistant News Editor April 5, 2023
Katie Foley ’01, owner of the Silo Food Truck, is returning to Ithaca College’s campus beginning April 13. 
 Ithaca Bikeshare, a local non-profit, plans to add more parking hubs and raise the costs of bike use.

Ithaca Bikeshare adds parking hubs and raises costs of use

By Vivian Rose, Staff Writer March 22, 2023
Ithaca Bikeshare, a local non-profit, plans to add more parking hubs and raise the costs of bike use.
The City of Ithaca plans to improve the sustainability of buildings in 2023 and to certify the city as a healthy and energy efficient community.

City works to improve sustainability and energy efficiency

By Vivian Rose, Staff Writer March 1, 2023
The City of Ithaca plans to improve the sustainability of buildings in 2023 and to certify the city as a healthy and energy efficient community.
Activists and leaders in the City of Ithaca are drafting legislation that, if passed, would regulate and provide oversight on anti-abortion centers.

County works on ordinance to regulate ‘crisis pregnancy centers’

By Lorien Tyne, News Editor March 1, 2023
Activists and leaders in the City of Ithaca are drafting legislation that, if passed, would regulate and provide oversight on anti-abortion centers.
Since 2019, the City of Ithaca has seen fluctuations in the number of businesses opening and closing.

Store closures and openings create retail instability

By Noa Ran-Ressler, Assistant News Editor February 22, 2023
Since 2019, the City of Ithaca has seen fluctuations in the number of businesses opening and closing.
A study from Preply ranked the City of Ithaca as the 10th most stressed-out college town after analyzing tweets from students in different college towns in the United States. However, some students like senior Justin Foster and staff at Ithaca College wonder if it is accurate in detecting students’ stress levels.

Use of Twitter questioned in college town stress study

By Jadyn Davis, Staff Writer February 1, 2023
A study ranked the City of Ithaca as the 10th most stressed-out college town after analyzing tweets from students. However, some students and staff at Ithaca College question its accuracy.
First-year student Cole Turner discusses the importance of exploring the community the City of Ithaca offers. Turner notes the many festivals, restaurants, wineries and natural wonders found around the city.

Commentary: Students must explore beyond their residence hall

By Cole Turner September 28, 2022
Compared to other big state universities which are entire towns themselves, we’re so fortunate to call a town with so many opportunities our home.
Free public transportation is a necessity for Ithaca

Free public transportation is a necessity for Ithaca

By The Ithacan September 14, 2022
This will be a costly endeavor, but it will protect Ithaca students and residents from walking home past 9 p.m. in the frigid cold of our winters.
Ithaca's abortion sanctuary law prohibits city resources to aid out-of-state investigations seeking to bring criminal charges against people performing or receiving an abortion and individuals are encouraged to sue Ithaca if the law is not upheld. 

City of Ithaca protects abortion access with sanctuary law

By Lorien Tyne, Assistant News Editor September 7, 2022
Ithaca became a sanctuary city for abortions July 6 after the Common Council voted unanimously to make the ordinance brought forth by Alderperson Robert Cantelmo into city law. 
Editorial: Ithaca is protecting the right to bodily autonomy

Editorial: Ithaca is protecting the right to bodily autonomy

By The Ithacan September 7, 2022
This decision has positively impacted the quality of health and safety for the 678 students from states with restricted abortion access.
Senior David Florentin believes that the Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit should be free for all Ithaca students and residents. He is working with the Ithaca chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.

Commentary: Free transport is imperative for a thriving Ithaca

By David Florentin September 7, 2022
Ithaca prides itself on its inclusivity and diversity, yet it’s falling behind in an area that much of the population relies on: transportation.
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