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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

From left, Cornell history professor Larry Glickman sits next to former NBA player Etan Thomas. Thomas spoke at Cornell University about athletes involved in political activism on Feb. 27.

Former NBA player speaks at Cornell about activism

By Dani Pluchinsky, Assistant Sports Editor February 28, 2018
Eleven-year NBA veteran Etan Thomas spoke at Cornell University on Feb. 27 about the intersection of athletes and activism.
Patriotism and black rage

Patriotism and black rage

By Mahad Olad October 11, 2017
To me, patriotism isn't much different from a religion. It's a belief in a less nebulous higher power, one that must similarly go unquestioned.
Dave Zirin, sports journalist and writer for The Nation, will be coming to  campus to speak about the intersection of politics, journalism and sports.

Q&A: Journalist to tackle NFL protests in lecture

By Matthew Radulski, Senior Writer October 11, 2017
Senior Writer Matthew Radulski spoke to Zirin about his liberal arts education, the president and what it really means when people say “shut up and play.”
Members of the women's volleyball team stand for the national anthem before their game, a practice that junior Jack Morello says helps Americans understand their country.

Commentary: National anthem helps us understand the US

By Jack Morello October 10, 2017
Taking away the national anthem would be saying that athletes and sports fans are not capable of discussing racial issues in this country, which is not true.
Sophomore wide receiver Will Gladney does not put his hand over his heart and holds his helmet during the national anthem on Sept. 30.

Football player responds to NFL national anthem protest

By Simon Rosenbluth, Contributing Writer October 4, 2017
In light of increased NFL protests a member of the football team decided to have his own protest during the Sept. 30 football game.
National Recap: NFL players take a knee

National Recap: NFL players take a knee

By Meaghan McElroy, Opinion Editor September 25, 2017
Following Trump’s remarks, players from 26 NFL teams demonstrated in some way during pregame ceremonies.

Sports writers should not stick just to sports

By Nick Fustor, Columnist February 10, 2017
It's especially important that sports writers use their voices to inform a larger audience, as they have a wide influence.
Senior Shawahl Abdur-Rahman, No. 31, holds up a fist during the Ithaca College football team’s game Oct. 1 at Butterfield Stadium. His gesture paid homage to San Fransico 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s protest.

Senior football player discusses national anthem protest

By Andrew Sullivan, Staff Writer October 18, 2016
Ithaca College senior running back Shawahl Abdur-Rahman held a fist in the air during the national anthem on Oct. 1.

Baseball’s race problem stems from youth leagues

By Nick Fustor, Columnist September 26, 2016
Young black athletes are being pushed toward other sports like football and basketball — where the cost to play is much less.

Commentary: Police threatening boycott prove Kaepernick’s point

By Faith Meckley September 7, 2016
Any officers who choose to participate in a boycott of defending Levi Stadium are proving all the things they hate about Kaepernick’s opinion right. They are proving that there is indeed a limit to who they are willing to protect.

Free speech and football

By Kyle Stewart September 7, 2016
A free exchange and competition of ideas is what leads to progress in our country, not the suppression of ideas that some people deem offensive.
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