On the posters advertising ITHACON, Ithaca College's annual comic book convention, the slogan “Proud to be the little guy” serves as a testament to the convention's history and values.
In 2008, Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight” changed the comic book movie genre forever. The film won many awards, most notably an Academy Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role awarded posthumously...
In the first part of this week's episode of Deja View, Assistant Life & Culture Editor Jake Leary sits down with Staff Writer Silas White to discuss his review of "The Lego Batman Movie." Then,...
Kristiina Korpus '13 gave a talk on April 5 at Ithacon discussing sexism in Japanese anime. Staff Writer Tylor Colby sat down with Korpus to further discuss her thoughts regarding female representation in comic books.
"Startrek: Deep Space 9" actor J.G. Hertzler spends time at the 38th annual Comic Book Collection of Ithaca, also known as Ithacon, and talks about his experience.