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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

‘Deja View’ – “Coraline” (2009)

October 31, 2023
In Episode 7 of their animation series, host Therese Kinirons sits with guest Jess Williams to chat about 2009's children's horror classic "Coraline". Join them as they discuss gloves, ghost children and the scariest movie intro of all time. 
Editor's Note: The line between fact and opinion

Editor’s Note: The line between fact and opinion

By The Ithacan December 7, 2020
The Ithacan has taken down the commentary, “Republicans were the true winners in this election." We regret that we failed to perform due diligence,
“Us” mixes a government conspiracy, well-balanced blood and gore, impressive acting and nuanced characters to create a strong commentary on cultural, societal and racial tension in the United States like xenophobia.

Review: Horror movie ‘Us’ reflects cultural tension

By Jake Leary April 1, 2019

“Us” is at once familiar and foreign — it’s a traditional slasher turned and twisted into something radical and bizarre.   The film follows the Wilson family on their annual summer vacation:... logged a total 241,441,823,059 minutes streamed in 2015, according to Twitch 2015 Retrospective, which equates to 459,366 years.

Against the clock: Students challenge typical gaming methods

By Kalia Kornegay, Staff Writer February 15, 2017
A popular trend in the video game world, speedrunning aims to finish a video game as fast as possible, sometimes with certain rules and restrictions.
Sophomore TJ Horgan helped restart the Ithaca College chapter of Students for Sensible Drug Policy, which worked with multiple campus constitutents to pass the college’s Medical Amnesty Policy in 2010.

Commentary: Medical amnesty policies benefit students

By TJ Horgan September 21, 2016
If the phrase “take care of yourself,” is going to hold any weight, medical amnesty policies need to be the norm, especially on college campuses.
On Sept. 5, the Tompkins County Worker's Center and the Midstate Central Labor Council hosted the 33rd annual Labor Day picnic, with the theme "Labor Rights are Civil Rights."

Commentary: Fight for labor laws coincides with fight for equality

By Robert Brown September 14, 2016
The legacy of American slavery continues through an unbroken legacy of policies and practices that ensure a marginal place for black people in the country's economic life, and requires comprehensive remediation.
Commentary: Investigative reporting needed in curriculum

Commentary: Investigative reporting needed in curriculum

By Mark Prowse September 7, 2016
I’ve had class after class teach me how to talk to people and take notes at the same time, but I still have no clue how to pin down interviews with the sources that really matter, or dig up the documents that could make my journalism truly important.
Mara Alper, retired associate professor in the Department of Media Arts, Sciences and Studies, writes that the looming water crisis in South Africa is connected to water use globally.

Commentary: Students must practice water conservation

By Mara Alper August 31, 2016
Time for a rain dance? If you like, but it’s time to start respecting water and not take it for granted. Every one of us needs to help conserve water.
Commentary: Even female Olympic champions cannot escape sexism

Commentary: Even female Olympic champions cannot escape sexism

By Riley Ludwig August 24, 2016
"However, even during the sporting event that ideally should consider all athletes equally for the accomplishment of being an Olympian, women are treated in ways that men will never be."
Senior Jordan Cowell presented at the Whalen Symposium on the rhetorical differences between the administration's responses to the Blue Skies and the AEPi event.

Commentary: Rhetorical failure catalyzes campus crisis

By Jordan Cowell May 3, 2016
What language — what rhetorical strategies — do people in leadership positions use when they attempt to pacify the public during periods of crisis? Why were President Rochon’s rhetorical appeals to the campus community unsuccessful?
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