Since 1976, the Comic Book Club of Ithaca has been organizing Ithacon, a local comic book-centered convention. With the exception of 2020, Ithacon has been running annually for members of the Ithaca community...
RaKim 'RahK' Lash, former assistant director for Multicultural Affairs at Ithaca College, recounted his experiences building community for Black cosplayers in pop culture spaces.
From 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. April 24, Ithacon will hold its first online convention in its 45-year history. The convention will be on Zoom and will host 39 events.
In the lounge of Terrace 12, Ithaca College sophomore Brooke Bernhardt brushes strands of a cascading platinum blonde wig with a small hairbrush. She runs her fingers through its locks between strokes...
In July, an estimated over 130,000 people attended San Diego Comic-Con at the San Diego Convention Center. This convention, the largest comic convention in the world, offers many activities, and the...