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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Carrie Bradshaw was a master of dates.

5 Date Night Tips

By Angel L. Zayas, Angel L. Zayas February 14, 2015
Valentine’s Day has always been my favorite holiday. I know. I’m a really sappy person, but I don’t think that Valentine’s Day should be called a “Hallmark Holiday”, like so many label it. Isn’t there something magical about every holiday that has been celebrated for centuries? I think there is. Maybe, that makes me a hopeless romantic. However, I’ve always been a firm believer that, though Cupid may not exist, love strives most on this holiday and that, whether it’s a lover, friend, or family member, it’s okay to just tell someone, on this day, “I love you.” And I understand just how vulnerable that can make a person, when they put it all on the line, but it’s so so so worth it!
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