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The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

From left, members of the IC Democrats executive board junior President Farid Ahmad, and seniors Treasurer Connor Watson and Secretary Kalena Yearwood said they hope to make IC Democrats' presence more consistent on campus.

IC Democrats revived again after periods of inactivity

By Kai Lincke, Staff Writer November 30, 2022
After several periods of inactivity over the past five years, the Ithaca College Democrats club has restarted with new leadership.
When John Bolton announced he was writing a bombshell book about his experience as President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, pandemonium ensued. However, the sought-after details are more pseudo-patriotic and hilarious than they are substantive.

Review: Long-awaited book lacks informative story

By Elijah de Castro, Staff Writer July 3, 2020
When John Bolton announced he was writing a book about his experience as national security adviser, pandemonium ensued.
Freshman Scott Powell, a member of Ithaca College Republicans, writes that the party must  restructure its platform, particularly on immigration and opening better paths to citizenship.

Commentary: Republican Party must reform immigration policy

By Scott Powell November 16, 2016
While there are several issues the party needs to tweak its stance on to survive in the coming millennia, the most pressing is that of immigration reform.
Roger Custer ’04 speaks to a Houston chapter meeting of America’s Future Foundation, a  conservative 501(c)(3) organization that provides educational programs on public policy.

Commentary: Candidates should focus on poverty issues

By Roger Custer April 6, 2016
If there is one thing on which Republicans and Democrats can agree this year, it is that the leading candidates lack humility.
Freshman Ryan King said he would not vote for Bernie Sanders despite the Democratic candidate’s popularity among college students.

Commentary: Why I am not voting for Bernie Sanders

By Ryan King February 10, 2016
Aside from his terrible economic ideas, Bernie Sanders also has another problem: He will be unable to work with Congress.

It’s time to stop the sequester

By Rachael Hartford March 1, 2013
Without further congressional action, on March 1 the sequester will take effect and will impose drastic across-the-board federal spending cuts that are meant to be evenly divided over a nine-year period and bring in a projected $1.2 trillion. These austerity-like cuts will decrease tax revenue and increase spending on benefits programs, like unemployment, further causing…

Budget discussion must move forward

By Rachael Hartford December 14, 2012
President Barack Obama’s election victory was met almost immediately by a panic over the economy pulling a Wile E. Coyote and running off then edge of the cliff, realizing there is nothing beneath it and then subsequently hurtling downwards into oblivion. The “fiscal cliff” is a term that has been used to describe a bundle…

Polarized American politics reflected in population

By Rachael Hartford August 29, 2012
The ideological gulf that continues to widen between Democrats and Republicans makes us more polarized than ever before.
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