Since 1976, the Comic Book Club of Ithaca has been organizing Ithacon, a local comic book-centered convention. With the exception of 2020, Ithacon has been running annually for members of the Ithaca community...
By Tess Ferguson, Assistant Sports Editor
• February 22, 2023
The event allowed the three elite athletes to share their experiences and advice regarding the pressures of high-level sports with a new generation of student-athletes.
The Ithaca College and SUNY Cortland football teams held a joint press conference at noon Nov. 9 in the Emerson Suites to celebrate the quickly approaching Cortaca Jug game.
The college's first TEDx conference since 2017 was held Oct. 22 in Emerson Suites, featuring 10 speakers who presented talks on the theme of “Empowerment."
Ithaca College’s TEDx Club will be independently organizing its first conference since 2017 on Oct. 22, featuring 10 speakers in the Emerson Suites, alongside a live stream screening in Park Hall.
On April 22, members of the Ithaca College football team walked around Ithaca College Campus Center in an effort to recruit members of the campus community for the Be The Match Bone Marrow Drive.