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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Lady Lamb the Beekeeper to perform at The Haunt

By Alyssa Frey, Staff Writer July 23, 2013
Aly Spaltro — aka Lady Lamb the Beekeeper — is performing at The Haunt at 9 p.m. Wednesday at The Haunt.

Barenaked Ladies disappoint with tired sound

By Bronwyn Bishop, Contributing Writer June 28, 2013
Barenaked Ladies' newest release, "Grinning Streak," provides a dull, unoriginal sound.
Houses, businesses and apartments sit on Skaneateles Lake, a major attraction for tourists. Skaneateles has a population of 2,700 and is located about an hour away from Ithaca.

Skaneateles holds beauty and fun for summer months

By Jackie Eisenberg, Accent Editor May 1, 2013
Skaneateles, N.Y., is a town located about an hour away from Ithaca, with a population of 2,700. Its lake serves as a common pull for tourists during the summer.
Derek Rogers ’12 plays with his band, Titanics. Rogers will return to Ithaca at 10 p.m. May 11 to perform at Lot 10 Lounge on North Cayuga Street. The band’s sound has an indie vibe, with synthesizers and guitars.

Alumnus to perform with Albany-based band

By Karla Lopez, Staff Writer May 1, 2013
Derek Rogers '12 will be performing with his band, Titanics, on May 11 at Lot 10 Lounge.
Janet Galvan, professor of music education and performance, conducts a rehearsal Tuesday in Beeler Hall in the Whalen Center for Music. Galvan has taught at IC since 1983.

Music professor to conduct New Jersey Junior High School All-State Chorus

By Evin Billington, Staff Writer April 30, 2013
Janet Galvan, professor music education and performance, reflects on her 30-year career and her most recent honor.
Charlie Pembroke is featured as the subject of the Tumblr blog “Reasons Why My Son is Crying.” Greg Pembroke ’02, the founder, creates captions such as, “I read him his favorite bed time story.”

Alumnus features crying son on recognized Tumblr blog

By Josh Greenfield, Staff Writer April 23, 2013
Greg Pembroke '02 is the founder of the Tumblr blog, "Reasons My Son is Crying." He and his son, Charlie have been featured on "Good Morning America" and "The Today Show."
The Ballet III and Modern Dance IV classes dance together April 9 on the steps by Dillingham Center. This will be part of the “Wings of Spring” performance. The show Wednesday will mark the collaboration’s fifth year running.

Campus transforms into outdoor dance stage

By Emma Rizzo, Staff Writer April 23, 2013
The Ballet III and Modern Dance IV classes are collaborating for the fifth year in a row on the Wings of Spring dance show May 1.
Senior Matt Prigge stars as Dr. Thomas Stockmann during a dress rehearsal for a production of “An Enemy of the People” in the Hoerner Theatre. “An Enemy of the People” will run until April 28.

Theater department concludes mainstage season with “An Enemy of the People”

By Lucy Walker, Staff Writer April 23, 2013
"An Enemy of the People" surrounds a physician who tries to expose the truth about his town's new medicinal spring.
Treats line the glass shelves of Sarah’s Patisserie on April 12 at its location on Pleasant Grove Road. The patisserie is expanding to Seneca Place, one block off The Commons in mid-May.

Local sweets shop expands to Downtown Ithaca area

By Taylor Rescignano, Staff Writer April 23, 2013
Sarah's Patisserie, currently located at Community Corners on Pleasant Grove Road, will be expanding to Seneca Place, a block off The Commons.

Buddy Guy comes to State Theatre

By Karla Lopez, Contributing Writer April 20, 2013
Blues musician Buddy Guy will perform at the State Theatre at 7:30 p.m.
Senior Hildy Mica mounts her piece, “Book,” which is made of organza fabric and wool felt, in the Handwerker Gallery on Tuesday. “Book” is part of the senior art show, “ARTiculated.”

Seniors’ artwork hits Handwerker Gallery

By Evin Billington, Staff Writer April 17, 2013
"ARTiculated," the senior art show, will be featured in the Handwerker Gallery from April 18 to May 19.

New York City singer-songwriter comes to Ithaca

By Karla Lopez, Contributing Writer April 16, 2013
Julia Weldon, an actress and singer-songwriter based in New York City, played at Felicia's Atomic Lounge in Ithaca on Sunday.
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