“The Suicide of Rachel Foster” is not a video game for the faint of heart. But players who can stomach the grim tale will uncover an eye-opening journey that explores the repercussions of cruelty and...
Video game developer Remedy Entertainment loves a good pastiche. Its popular “Max Payne” series paid tribute to Asian action films, while “Alan Wake” gamified small-town horror. The company's new...
Ubisoft’s “Tom Clancy’s The Division 2” regurgitates the cliche, fictional story of a crumbling society as the same crippling epidemic from the previous game in the series brings the United States...
“Metro Exodus,” a first-person shooter by 4A Games, is a deep, intoxicating inhale of contaminated air that has players fastening their gas masks and jumping straight into a world where survival is...
A rich landscape of beautiful, rolling hills is quickly followed by the silhouette of a man in his window — then a heart-stopping bang leads to peaceful silence. This is the beginning of “Rainswept,”...
WarGround is a free-to-play, turn-based strategy game on Steam — a platform that distributes games and related media, not unlike an online Gamestop — that offers new ideas and art styles to hide a...
Junior Gary Chin shows off his professional fingerboarding skills, talks about how he acquired them and what he would rank as his second favorite talent.