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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

From left to right: Paul Wilson (art faculty at IC) and Joan Linder. Linder shows Wilson her art, realistic Amazon package creations meant to symbolize the waste habits of Americans.

Artists express societal and global concerns through unconventional media

By Anusha Bhargava, Contributing Writer November 1, 2023
On Oct. 26, the Handwerker Gallery had an opening reception for two new exhibitions by artists Wang Chen and Joan Linder. The two exhibitions were widely different, however still managed to captivate and catch the eyes of all those in attendance. 
From Aug. 25-Oct. 12, Toby Barnes and Katerina Riesing's art will be displayed at the Handwerker Gallery. Barnes' show, titled "Batik Futuriste!" explores the traditional and modern forms of art. Riesing's show, titled "Well Worn," explores the parts of the human body and seeks to destigmatize the discomfort people feel when discussing it.

New exhibits open at Handwerker Gallery

By Katie Krom, Staff Writer September 7, 2022
Two shows currently inhabit the walls of the Handwerker Gallery with vibrant colors and bold shapes on one side and delicate portraits of the human body on the other.
Mara Baldwin, director of the Handwerker Gallery, spent a week in August creating art at the Elizabeth Murray Artist Residency.

Handwerker Gallery director awarded prestigious art residency

By Eva Salzman, Life and Culture Editor September 8, 2021
Mara Baldwin, director of the Handwerker Gallery, spent a week in August creating art at the Elizabeth Murray Artist Residency.

The Handwerker Gallery Prepares to Open with Two New Exhibits

February 26, 2021

Handwerker Gallery Director, Mara Baldwin, and her staff prepare the gallery space to host two new exhibits, “A Closer Look” and “Do It (Home),” on Feb. 19, 2021.

Art Preparator Brian Quan and senior Annie Shaw are working hard to prepare the Handwerker Gallery for its opening Feb. 24.

The Handwerker Gallery opens its doors once again

By Eva Salzman, Assistant Life & Culture editor February 23, 2021
Art Preparator Brian Quan and senior Annie Shaw are working hard to prepare the Handwerker Gallery for its opening Feb. 24.
Five Ithaca-based museums, including Ithaca College's Handwerker Gallery, have developed plans around New York state’s guidelines for museum reopenings. The Museum of the Earth adapted its temporary exhibit "Bees! Diversity, Evolution, Conservation" into a virtual experience in light of the COIVD-19 pandemic.

Ithaca museums curate reopening plans during pandemic

By Eva Salzman and Maddy Martin September 18, 2020
Five Ithaca-based museums have developed plans around New York state’s guidelines for museum reopenings.
In her photo series for the showcase, Alisha Tamarchenko's '20 captured the mudpots at Yellowstone National Park in 2018. Every spring, the Handwerker Gallery hosts a showcase for seniors at Ithaca College, this year held digitally.

Online showcase celebrates graduated seniors’ artwork

By Arleigh Rodgers May 17, 2020
Every spring, the Handwerker Gallery hosts a showcase for seniors at Ithaca College, this year held digitally.
Ute Ritz-Deutch from Amnesty International reads an excerpt from "I am Jazz" as a part of banned book week Sept. 24 at the Handwerker Gallery.

Banned Books Week read-out celebrates the late Toni Morrison

By Alex Hartzog, Staff Writer September 25, 2019
The Banned Books Week read-out took place from 6 to 7 p.m. Sept 24 in the Handwerker Gallery. Attendees read books that have been banned.
Donny Bellamy, a diversity pre-doctoral scholar, presented his research on the intersections of feminist theory, black transgender studies, queer of color critique and masculinity studies at the Diversity Scholars Research Showcase April 15.

Diversity scholars present research to campus

By Alyshia Korba, Staff Writer April 17, 2019
Five Ithaca College 2018–19 Diversity Pre-doctoral Scholars presented their research April 15 at the Diversity Scholars Research Showcase.
Out of the Closet and Onto the Screen Film Series consists of six screenings of documentaries that explore LGBTQ lives and identities.

Film series explores LGBTQ identities and history

By Tarini Venkat, Contributing Writer October 10, 2018
“It’s become not only a part of the social and academic parts of the community but woven into the curricular parts of the community as well,” Maurer said
"Who is Me?” is an art exhibition featuring work from artists with marginalized identities, and is cureated by senior x senn-yuen rance. It runs at Tompkins County Public Library until June 28.

Exhibition features artists with marginalized identities

By Silas White, Staff Writer April 25, 2018
Curated by senior x senn-yuen rance, "Who is Me?" features students and alumni of the college and is on display at the Tompkins County Public Library.
Jazz Jennings and Jessica Herthel, author of "I am Jazz" hold up the children's picture book based off of Jazz Jenning's life. The book is the first children's picture book to tell a biography of a transgender child.

Author discusses book based on life of transgender child

By Noa Covell, Contributing Writer December 9, 2017
Based on the true story of a transgender child, Jessica Herthel’s book is the first children's picture book to tell a biography of a transgender child.
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