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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Ithaca College President Shirley M. Collado senior leadership team spoke at the All College Gathering Oct. 1, 2018. The personnel of the senior leadership team has changed since the 2018–19 academic year when the photo was taken.

Preparations for Collado’s five-year strategic plan presented

By Falyn Stempler, Laura O’Brien, and Maggie McAden August 30, 2018
At the All-College Gathering held Aug. 23, the community learned about the first stages of the college’s five-year strategic plan.
From left, Tom Grape, chair of the Ithaca College Board of Trustees, and Vice Chair David Lissy held an open conversation session Feb. 15. The board of trustees was on campus for two days of meetings.

Board of trustees discusses campus issues with community

By Ryan King, Staff Writer February 21, 2018
The Ithaca College Board of Trustees held an open conversation session Feb. 15 to get feedback from the community.
Editorial: A loss of identity for the sake of business

Editorial: A loss of identity for the sake of business

By The Ithacan May 3, 2017
Those community members who have been at the college longer than four years will think of frustrations that had been building for much longer.
From left, Darnell Thompson, residence director, and sophomore Christopher DiNapoli discussed how an FYRE program for sophomores could help them at the college.

Sophomore FYRE program could be created at Ithaca College

By Matt Ristaino, Staff Writer February 28, 2017

The Office of Residential Life is considering creating a sophomore residential program similar to the First-Year Residential Experience, the residential community program that is mandatory for all incoming...

Editorial: Rochon remains out of touch with community issues

Editorial: Rochon remains out of touch with community issues

January 25, 2017
Despite the multitude of issues plaguing the college, Rochon has given the impression that he remains oblivious to the current campus climate.
Among the seven schools in the college’s peer group that release data on faculty diversity, the Ithaca College ranks last.

Faculty diversity at IC increases but falls behind peer group

By Max Denning, Staff Writer November 16, 2016
Among the seven schools in the college’s peer group that release data on faculty diversity, the Ithaca College ranks last.
Sustainability at IC withers as a result of structural changes

Sustainability at IC withers as a result of structural changes

By Sophie Johnson, Staff Writer November 2, 2016
“There was a golden era of sustainability on this campus, and we’re not in it anymore,” he said.
IC 20/20 to wrap up in 2017 to clear slate for new president

IC 20/20 to wrap up in 2017 to clear slate for new president

By Sophia Tulp, Staff Writer October 26, 2016
Ithaca College’s “IC 20/20” strategic plan will wrap up in Spring 2017, allowing the next president of the college to implement their own larger vision for the college.
Editorial: Honors Program urgently needs contingency plan

Editorial: Honors Program urgently needs contingency plan

By The Ithacan October 19, 2016
The college cannot let the Honors Program dwindle, as it would be yet another administrative failure during President Tom Rochon’s tenure at the college.
A new space for the Office of Civic Engagement has been designated in the Peggy Ryan Williams Center at Ithaca College. However, the office is unoccupied and “on hold,” pending a search for a new executive director.

Office of Civic Engagement on hold during search for director

By Annie Estes and Sophia Tulp September 28, 2016
The Ithaca College Office of Civic Engagement is currently “on hold” pending the selection of a new executive director.
From left: Benjamin Rifkin, former provost and vice president for educational affairs at Ithaca College; President Tom Rochon; and Gerald Hector, former vice president for finance and administration, observe a student protest Dec. 11 at Free Speech Rock. All three administrators pictured have since announced they are stepping down from their respective positions at the college.

Administrative departures create uncertainty for academic year

By Sophia Tulp, News Editor August 25, 2016
Ithaca College's senior leadership has seen a significant number of administrative departures, leaving the college with uncertainty about what will be accomplished throughout the remainder of his tenure.
Linda Petrosino ’77, M.S. ’78, retiring dean of the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, has been the dean of the School of HSHP since 2012 and has facilitated the development of programs, partnerships and strategic goals.

Q&A: Linda Petrosino discusses role as IC interim provost

By Grace Elletson and Sophia Tulp August 24, 2016
News Editor Sophia Tulp and Assistant News Editor Grace Elletson spoke with Linda Petrosino, who assumed the role as interim provost once before in 2014, to discuss her role, initiatives that will be continued this year and an idea of the leadership strategy for the college.
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