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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Senior Allison Brunner performs research for her field guide to moths in the Ithaca College Natural Lands. The completed guide will be available as a resource for the college and wider Ithaca community.

Senior drawn to conducting research on local moths

By Mary Rand, Staff Writer October 23, 2018
Senior Allison Brunner is working to create a field guide of the moths native to the Natural Lands by identifying them, species by species, in the field.
Q&A: Mark Darling leaves Ithaca College after 29 years

Q&A: Mark Darling leaves Ithaca College after 29 years

By Faith Meckley and Jonah Swiatek February 1, 2016
The former sustainability programs coordinator discusses his career at Ithaca College and his views on the college's commitment to maintaining a sustainable community.
From left, freshman Andrew Kenney and junior Joshua Enderle help with the Japanese stiltgrass pull held Sept. 26.

Ithaca College students help remove invasive grass species

By Kyle Arnold, Staff Writer September 30, 2015
Students and faculty managing the Ithaca College Natural Lands are in the process of removing what they hope is the last of an invasive species of plant known as Japanese stiltgrass after six years of sustained eradication efforts.
7 places to visit in Ithaca this weekend

7 places to visit in Ithaca this weekend

By Mary Ford, Life & Culture Editor August 26, 2015
Looking for something to do this weekend? Check out some of the most popular spots on campus and in Ithaca.

College Briefing: Sept. 18

September 17, 2014

Ithaca College to show play directed by alumna Civic Ensemble, Ithaca’s civic-minded theater company, will be presenting “Safety: A new play about community-police relations” at 7:30 p.m. Sept....

Junior Ben Tolles inspects a beehive. Over the summer, Tolles worked as a beekeeper for South Hill Forest Products, a project where students farm honey, syrup and mushrooms at the ICNL.

South Hill Forest Products spur student learning

By Mary Ford, Contributing Writer September 3, 2014
Students involved in South Hill Forest Products are farming honey, syrup and mushrooms in the Ithaca College Natural Lands.
From left, freshman Menli McCreight and senior Danielle Prizzi take part in maple syrup production as part of the Natural Resources and Ecology class Sunday on Ithaca College Natural Lands.

Weather heats up syrup production

By Sabrina Knight, Assistant News Editor March 7, 2013
Because of the varying weather conditions this winter season, maple syrup production on the Ithaca College Natural Lands is predicted to be the best season they’ve had, and students in the Natural Resources and Ecology class are reaping the benefits.
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