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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Zoe Levitt, junior Integrated Marketing Communications major, writes that students should utilize the college's Career Services in order to go the extra mile in today's difficult job and internship market.

Commentary: Job market demands 110 percent

By Zoe Levitt October 30, 2018
If we want to secure our futures at this time, maybe we need to stop waiting on our parents’ connections and give 110 percent.
Caryanne Kennan, assistant director of career development at Career Services, teaches senior Danielle West to use the Career Shift program.

Internship season raises questions among students about requirements

By Jack Curran, Staff Writer November 15, 2012
As the semester winds down, students are beginning to search for spring and summer internship possibilities, and for some the difference between internships requiring credit or not may be a deciding factor.

Job and Internship Fair to connect students with employers

By Sydney Fusto, Contributing Writer September 10, 2012
Ithaca College Career Services is hosting the fall Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair on Monday night in Emerson Suites.
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