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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

From left, junior Leah Harbison-Ricciutti, senior Emily Rose, junior Clare Collins, and Adelia Alexander ’20, rest under an ocotillo plant en route to Pinto Mountain in Joshua Tree National Park, California during the immersion semester program.

Recreation and leisure department opposes department cut

By Syd Pierre, Staff Writer February 25, 2021
The Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies and community organizations its students work with are voicing their opposition to the “Shape of the College” recommendations.
At this year’s 20th annual 4-H Duck Race, 1,856 yellow rubber ducks twisted around a swirling, above-ground swimming pool at a local family home.

Annual duck race flocks to virtual format amid pandemic

By Emily Lussier, Staff Writer September 16, 2020
At this year’s 20th annual 4-H Duck Race, 1,856 yellow rubber ducks twisted around a swirling, above-ground swimming pool at a local family home.
Ithaca College students hold NFL program for local youth

Ithaca College students hold NFL program for local youth

By Connor Duffy and Luke Harbur October 23, 2016
The NFL PUNT, PASS & KICK (PPK) program is a national skills competition for boys and girls to attend the annual NFL Super Bowl Championship.
Ithaca College graduate student Kristopher Bosela biked 100 miles Oct. 15 for the One-to-One Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ithaca and Tompkins County. He set a fundraising goal of $1,000.

IC student bikes 100 miles to support Ithaca Youth Bureau

By Danielle Allentuck, Sports Editor October 17, 2016
Graduate student Kristopher Bosela rode 100 miles Oct. 15 in support of the One-to-One Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ithaca and Tompkins County.
Junior Elena Haskins leads a Human Expression Through Arts Resident Development program meeting in the Student Activities Center Sept. 27. Haskins said to her, volunteering is not simply a way to fill out a resume, but her interest stems from a sense of duty to give back and a self-realization about privilege.

IC junior gives back through the arts with incarcerated youth

By Ben Kaplan, Contributing Writer September 27, 2016
To Elena Haskins, volunteering isn't a way to complete a resume. She said her interest stems from a duty to give back and a realization of privilege.
Paw Enforcement

Paw Enforcement

By Steven Pirani, Life and Culture Editor April 1, 2015
Bert, the first K-9 unit with Ithaca Police Department in almost a decade, finds his home in the Ithaca community.
Senior Class surpasses goal of 2,014 volunteer hours

Senior Class surpasses goal of 2,014 volunteer hours

By Lainey Cohen, Contributing Writer April 2, 2014
As of March 24, the Class of 2014 surpassed its goal of logging more than 2,014 volunteer hours.

College returns benefits to same-sex couples

By Stephen Adams, Assistant Multimedia Editor March 26, 2014
As the April 15 Internal Revenue Service tax-filing deadline approaches, Ithaca College professors and staff members in same-sex marriages will, for the first time, not have to pay income taxes on the college-sponsored health care plan they share with their same-sex spouses.
The Ithaca College Volunteers for Special Olympics gather together after hosting a dance for disabled athletes in the community.

IC students volunteer for athletes with disabilities

By Steve Derderian, Sports Editor January 29, 2014
Students are volunteering to assist Special Olympic athletes with disabilities.

College and City: Jan. 23

January 22, 2014
Alumnus produces video shown at national ball, Cornell lab fights cancer with new protein method, students perform concert for abuse victims in India and more...
Senior Erik Caron performs with his band The Erik Caron Connection at Kilpatrick’s Publick House on Sept. 22. The band will be one of four bands to perform at the IC vs. CU Battle of the Bands charity concert on Friday at Oasis.

IC Bigs to host battle of the bands

By Evin Billington, Staff Writer November 29, 2012
Teaming up with Cornell’s chapter of the club, IC Bigs plans to host this concert at Oasis on Friday
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