On a typical Wednesday night, the blaring sound of bagpipes and the loud thud of drums echoes through the First Presbyterian Church in Ithaca. These unexpected instruments and tones are the sounds of the...
The early 20th-century world of surrealism and scandal, backwoods Spanish villages and the bohemian Parisian art world are vividly illustrated in “Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles.” Directed...
“Carole & Tuesday” is an anime Netflix series that depicts the music industry in the futuristic world of Alba City, Mars. Carole Stanley (voiced by Miyuri Shimabukuro and vocals sung by Nai Br.XX)...
On a dreary Sunday afternoon, approximately 3,400 brightly colored rubber ducks tumbled over Cascadilla Falls, racing to reach the end of their long journey along Cascadilla Creek. After a harrowing trip...
Seven men run around a deserted, pastel city, dressed to the nines in the brightest colored clothes they have. They dance, waving their knees and kicking without a care in the world. Their movements are...
“Missing Link” is a visually spectacular stop-motion film about friendship and finding one’s place in the world.
The Victorian-era animated adventure film was released April 12 and produced by...
“Little” opens with obligatory narration — “Allow me to introduce myself” — but there is nobody going to see “Little” who won’t realize immediately where it’s headed. A successful,...
Neil Marshall’s “Hellboy” (2019) has the aesthetic sensibility of a Hot Topic: It’s cheap, insincere and reminds you of other places you’d rather be and other films you’d rather see.
By Avery Alexander, Assistant Life & Culture Editor
• April 21, 2019
Labrinth, Sia and Diplo joined forces and conceived an album, perfectly balancing their styles and strengths to produce a masterpiece that is as exceptional as its creators.
“LSD” is a colorful,...
With the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles and the speed of Mercury, “Shazam!” is one of DC’s best big screen adaptations...
Cyndy Scheibe, professor in the Department of Psychology, said that when observing move-in day, it is always interesting for her to observe the relationships between parents and their kids. She said that,...
Khalid’s new album, “Free Spirit,” is the record of the summer, made for wind-whipped midnight car rides, relaxing in bed on an easy Sunday afternoon with a cup of coffee or for a gloomy, rainy day...