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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Ithacan Tries: Makai sings his heart out with Ithacappella

In this episode of "Ithacan Tries," Assistant Video Editor Makai Yllanes got to join Ithacappella for a rehearsal.

From left, seniors Sammi Frieri, Al Hillebrandt, Hallie Kessler, Delia Vaisey and Em VanWagoner perform one of Premium Blend's alumni songs, "Alone" by Heart, at the end of their Block IV Concert on April 1.

A cappella groups host senior send-offs

April 5, 2023

Ithacappella, Ithaca College’s all-male identifying a cappella group, hosted its Block 4 Concert on March 25 in Emerson Suites. The concert was dedicated as a senior send-off for their two graduating...

Ithacappella Celebrates 25th Anniversary

By Cayenne Lacko-Cave April 5, 2022
Ithacappella, Ithaca College's only all-male identifying acapella group, held their 25th Anniversary Concert on April 1. in Emerson Suites.
The IC International Club hosted its annual One World Concert on Nov. 5, where different cultures from around the world were celebrated.

International Club celebrates cultures with One World Concert

By Mike Ross, Staff Writer November 10, 2021
The IC International Club hosted its annual One World Concert on Nov. 5, where different cultures from around the world were celebrated.
The Fall Fest on Oct. 24 included a performance of live music from Premium Blend, one of Ithaca College's five main acapella groups.

Ithaca College’s a cappella groups return to the stage

By Matt Minton, Staff Writer November 3, 2021
The Fall Fest on Oct. 24 included a performance of live music from Premium Blend, one of Ithaca College's five main a cappella groups.
Nathan Michael of Fly Dye Clothing taught Meital Brody, 12, how to tie-dye clothing at an Ithaca Fashion Week event titled Get Summer Festival Fashion Ready.

First Ithaca Fashion Week focuses on funky flair

By Maura Aleardi, Online Managing Editor April 11, 2018
After noticing that Ithaca Fashion Night attracted an audience, the Downtown Ithaca Alliance decided to dedicate an entire week to Ithaca’s fashion.
The members of Premium Blend following their first place finish at the International Collegiate Championship of A Cappella Quarterfinal competition on Feb. 6. In addition to first place, the group also won best choreography and best soloist, and will move onto the semifinals.

All-female a cappella takes first at competition

By Justin Henry, Contributing Writer February 10, 2016
On Feb. 6, Ithaca College's own Premium Blend took first place at the ICCA quarterfinals and was one of two finalists advancing to the semifinal round.

Ithacappella hosts block III concert Feb. 21

February 25, 2015
Ithacappella hosts its block III concert Feb. 21 in Emerson Suites
Ithacappella, Premium Blend and Voice Stream perform a combined Block 3 for Tay-bandz, an organization dedicated to raising funding and awareness for pediatric cancer.

A cappella groups come together for benefit concert

By Taylor Zambrano, Staff Writer March 4, 2014
In hopes of raising money for Tay-bandz, an organization that helps fund pediatric cancer research, all three of Ithaca College’s a cappella groups performed in a combined Block III Concert.

acappellaEd Ithaca

By Deanna Romanoff and Durst Breneiser February 26, 2014
Ithacappella hosted acappella Ed for workshop, master classes and performances with collegiate a cappella groups.

IC Greens hosts benefit concert

By Natalya Gioiella, Contributing Writer January 27, 2014
Music rang out in the IC Square as students gathered to help IC Greens raise money for UNICEF’s Help Syrian Children fund.


January 24, 2014
The news this weekend, and a look back at this week.
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