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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Fantasy author Tamora Pierce attended the 42nd annual Ithacon. Her characters represent a wide range of genders and sexualities, which defy stereotypes found in traditional fantasy.

Annual comic-book themed convention aims to unite community

By Adriana Darcy, Contributing Writer March 21, 2018
Members of the Ithaca community gathered on March 24 and 25 for the 43rd annual Ithacon, a comic book convention hosted by Ithaca College.

Audio Slideshow: Ithacon’s 38th Annual Convention

By Qina Liu March 6, 2013
"Startrek: Deep Space 9" actor J.G. Hertzler spends time at the 38th annual Comic Book Collection of Ithaca, also known as Ithacon, and talks about his experience.
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