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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Figure of Soul: Searching for joy

Figure of Soul: Searching for joy

By Ninjin Tumurbat May 2, 2023
I asked some people who were the kindest and warmest to me during the ups and downs in my first year of college to share what brings joy to their souls

The Spook Squad and The Sewer Soldier

March 3, 2016
There's a mysterious monster haunting the London sewers...can the Spook Squad crack the case and save the day!?

Jazz Hands Around The World!

January 16, 2016

" Mom has this thing where she makes me take Jazz Hands photos around the world..." This was the phrase I was constantly repeating as my friends and I journeyed around Europe. As it turns out,...

Review: Big stars fail to bring 'joy' to viewers

Review: Big stars fail to bring ‘joy’ to viewers

By Angela Poffenbaugh, Staff Writer December 29, 2015
If one is looking for a movie that lives up to the joyous sounding title, prepare for an entirely opposite and disappointing experience.
London A-Z

London A-Z

By Allison Latini, Blogger December 19, 2015
In London, one of the most-loved and most-used London Guidebooks is called the London A-Z. You can find this book in any convenience store, street vendor, Waterstone, and on any shelf in ICLC. My personal semester-long project was to create my own London A-Z, featuring all of my favorite/most memorable London places and spaces!
London Safety Tips

London Safety Tips

By Allison Latini, Allison Latini November 1, 2015
You know what's cool? Safe Travel! Allie illustrates some things she's learned about safe travel these past couple of months-it's always good to be prepared!
Freshman Brendan Davis talks about his attempt and inspiration to bike home for Thanksgiving Break.

Video: Joy Ride

By Jaclyn Cataldi December 5, 2013

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