Though Thanksgiving break has come to an end, Ithaca College’s next break creeps right around the corner as students prepare for their last weeks of classes and finals. In addition to studying for finals, many students have to deal with the extra stress of traveling. From finances and logistics to weather conditions, there are various factors they need to consider when getting ready for the holiday break.
By Danielle Lee, Contributing Writer
• December 12, 2018
When students make the commitment to attend college, most of them look forward to venturing into their new lives, learning to live on their own and gaining a college experience.
Hillel at Ithaca College is submitting a request to the Student Governance Council on Nov. 12 in an effort to prevent the college from scheduling college-related events on Jewish holidays.
This month, the council received an update on the Academic Workflow Implementation Group project and discussed moving the date for submitting final grades.
The two main topics discussed at the March 4 Faculty Council meeting were a proposal to revise the process of changing a student’s grade and the faculty assessment and perception of the Integrative Core Curriculum.