Diversity, equity and inclusion has increasingly been coming under scrutiny by President Donald Trump’s administration, terminating former President Joe Biden’s Executive Order 13985, “Advancing...
Many celebrities have posted on social media trying to relate to their followers, relaying what they have lost to the fires. Yet a millionaire and an everyday person are not affected the same way by the same disaster.
Seniors from majors across campus joined the Senior Blogging team to write blogs advising underclassmen about things they have learned in their time at Ithaca College.
If the search committee values a process that is transparent, engaging, and most importantly, inclusive, we cannot possibly have anything but an open process. We are trying to mend the wounds of our campus community, not forget them.
It is problematic that a mental illness is being sensationalized in such a way and I am disappointed that my own struggles have been exploited to attract more readers.
Senior Brendan Davis was recently recognized as a 2016 Newman Civic Fellow, an award given to college students and leaders dedicated to service work focused on seeking solutions for challenges faced by communities across the country.
What language — what rhetorical strategies — do people in leadership positions use when they attempt to pacify the public during periods of crisis? Why were President Rochon’s rhetorical appeals to the campus community unsuccessful?
The Ithacan produces a weekly segment called “Snap Judgment,” which gathers students’ thoughts and opinions about a particular topic.
For this week’s Snap Judgement, The Ithacan asked students: