When looking back on the most popular films of 2019, I noticed a trend. These films featured characters on the bottom of the socioeconomic spectrum enacting vengeance on those at the top. While the mainstream...
This episode of Deja View, host Rachael Weinberg invites DKA programming chair, Ciara Naughton to recap the 2020 Oscars. They talk about...
At the 92nd Academy Awards, actress Jane Fonda dramatically paused briefly before announcing the Best Picture winner: “Parasite.” The announcement caused the audience to respond with excited cheers...
This week, host Rachael Weinberg has on The Ithacan Life and Culture editors, Avery Alexander and Arleigh Rodgers, to talk about the...
To predict “Parasite” is to ask the impossible, like erasing a memory, turning backward in time or evading gravity. But writer-director Bong Joon Ho’s shrewd narrative is sharp and grim and, most...