The new animated Lego movie, "Piece by Piece," is a documentary produced by Pharrell Williams and follows his rise to fame. Parents beware: despite the kid-friendly animation and musical elements, the documentary structure might be unexciting for younger audiences. “Piece by Piece” is an animated highlight reel of Williams’ rise to industry prowess, using his greatest hits as the soundtrack. He goes from being a middle school band kid to starring in and producing numerous hit singles, but the Lego documentary glosses over Williams' triumphs and tribulations with surface-level detail.
By Olivia Riggio, Life & Culture Editor
• April 20, 2019
Tycho, Saint Sinner
Released April 17, 2019
Mom + Pop/ Ninja Tune
Tycho is known for composing glittering, ambient techno soundscapes. This collaboration with producer and vocalist...
In 2016, an undergraduate student at the Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music at New York University played a demo for Pharrell Williams, who was teaching a master class at the time. Williams’ reaction...
The third installment of this weekly feature runs down the best and worst in this week's pop culture news, including Looking, a "living doll," and House of Cards.
Progress: HBO's Looking (yes, four...