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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Ithaca College announced March 30 that as of February 2018, the college has transitioned to clean energy and will only be purchasing through Green-e certified wind farms.

IC solar panel farm on track to meet energy goal

By Madison Fernandez, Contributing Writer September 14, 2017
Ithaca College’s solar panel farm appears to be on its way to reaching its goal of covering 10 percent of the college’s energy needs.
Junior Mitchell Straub, above, created ACE TV, an organization that works with local musicians to record live recordings of their work.

Music meets production with ACE TV

By Kalia Kornegay, Staff Writer January 27, 2016
Junior Mitchell Straub founded media organization ACE TV for students looking for alternative production opportunities.
Shanti Kumar, a sophomore at Cornell University, plays Catherine in the Melodramatics Theatre Company production of "Pippin." The musical is produced by a combined cast and crew of students from both Ithaca College and Cornell University.

Ithaca College joins with Cornell University for play

By Ashley Wolf and Steven Pirani November 5, 2014
The Melodramatics Theatre Company will produce "Pippin" with a combined Ithaca College and Cornell University cast and crew Nov. 6–8.
Zach James, general director of Opera Ithaca, and Megan Nielson play Bluebeard and Judith, respectively, in Opera Ithaca's production of "Bluebeard's Castle." The show was Opera Ithaca's first production and ran Oct. 18–19.

New professional group revives opera in Ithaca area

By Cristina Saltos, Contributing Writer October 22, 2014
Fifteen years after the Ithaca Opera closed its doors, a new group, Opera Ithaca, is filling the opera void in the area.
Ithaca College's Mainstage Theater prepares for fall season

Ithaca College’s Mainstage Theater prepares for fall season

By Allie Hartley, Contributing Writer October 1, 2014
The Ithacan takes a look at Mainstage Theater's fall season of productions.
Seniors Alex Tortora and Taylor Misiak, who play John Proctor and Abigail Williams, respectively, star in the Ithaca  College Main Stage Theater production of “The Crucible.” The play is set during the Salem Witch Trials.

Paranoia prevails in allegorical Main Stage play

By Ashley Wolf, Staff Writer April 23, 2014
Ithaca College's Main Stage Theater will perform "The Crucible," written by Arthur Miller, April 22–27 at Hoerner Theatre.
A crowd gathers to watch a film screening at the Rochester Fringe Festival last year. Fringe festivals often feature chaotic and unconventional acts. Ithaca will hold its first fringe festival April 24–27 in downtown Ithaca.

Unorthodox theater festival premieres in Ithaca

By Nina Varilla, Staff Writer April 16, 2014
On April 24–27, Ithaca will host its first fringe festival, featuring five different acts. Fringe festivals usually deliver unconventional performances.
Members of IC Greens rehearse their upcoming production of "The Laramie Project" and its companion piece. "The Laramie Project" will premiere April 24 in Textor Hall, room 103.

Political club tackles social issues in production

By Alyssa Gilliam, Staff Writer April 16, 2014
IC Greens, Ithaca College's Green Party, is producing a production of "The Laramie Project" and "The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later," the story of a gay college student named Matthew Shepard who was tied to a fence and beaten to death because of his sexuality on April 24–27.
Junior Erich Westfield gives notes to Theodore Bouloukos, who plays Santa Claus, during the filming of "Rudolph vs. Reese," written by sophomore Mitchell Ward, who won the David Ames Film Award for his movie script.

Santa sues sleigh in student-written production

By Evin Billington, Accent Editor March 26, 2014
After winning the David Ames Film Award, sophomore Mitchell Ward is turning his script, "Rudolph vs. Reese," into a film.
Seniors Eric Flyte, Shelley Attadgie and junior Rachel Ozols play King Ouf, Laoula and Lazuli, respectively, in the Main Stage Theater production of "L'etoile." In the opera, Laoula and Lazuli are lovers.

Quirky French operetta hits Main Stage Theater

By Alyvia Covert, Contributing Writer February 19, 2014
The Ithaca College Main Stage Theater production of "L'etoile" comically explores the topics of love and faith.
A study from Morgan Stanley predicted that the world is headed toward a shortage of wine, reporting that production fell by 5 percent in 2012. However, members of wineries in Ithaca are not concerned about the findings.

Local vineyards unconcerned by wine shortage

By Max Gordon, Contributing Writer February 5, 2014
Despite a report from Morgan Stanley that said there will be a global wine shortage, vineyards in Ithaca remain optimistic.

A week in photos — Mar. 7, 2013

By Ithacan Staff March 7, 2013
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