Melanie Stein, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, met with the Ithaca College Student Governance Council at its Feb. 10 meeting to discuss upcoming changes to the college’s academic calendar, scheduling grid and the Academic Policy Committee.
SGC also heard from Cliff-Simon Vital, interim director of the BIPOC Unity Center, about this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. Campus-Wide Celebration Week, held Feb. 10-16.
Melanie Stein, provost and senior vice president, announced that she will no longer stay at Faculty Council meetings after giving the provost’s report.
Ithaca College's senior leadership has seen a significant number of administrative departures, leaving the college with uncertainty about what will be accomplished throughout the remainder of his tenure.
By Grace Elletson, Assistant News Editor
• August 23, 2016
Like the African drum ensemble that greeted the Class of 2020 as they walked into the Ithaca College 2016 Convocation ceremony, the speakers who addressed them conveyed an upbeat attitude toward the upcoming year.
By Grace Elletson, Assistant News Editor
• August 21, 2016
After nearly a year of negotiations, the Ithaca College part-time faculty union and the administration are still negotiating the most complex contract elements: benefits, wages and job security. Each side feels differently about the progress that’s being made.
Benjamin Rifkin, provost and vice president for educational affairs at Ithaca College, announced he will resign from his administrative role effective July 31.