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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Board of Trustees of Ithaca College announced in October 2017 that 2 Fountain Place, the former presidential residence, was going to be put on the market.

New presidential residence to be built on campus

By Madison Fernandez, Assistant News Editor April 4, 2018
Weisman said the design will be appropriate not only for college presidents and their families but the rest of the campus community as well.
The Hammond Health Center was recently renovated to create offices for two new CAPS counselors.

Hammond Health Center adds offices for new CAPS counselors

By Sam Haut, Staff Writer January 31, 2018
Two new offices were added in the Hammond Health Center to create space for new CAPS counselors. The search for these counselors is still underway.
Eastman Hall received a new laundry room with four washer machines and six dryer machines after a fire that occurred due to lint build-up on Dec. 15. The previous laundry room had two washer machines and three dryer machines.

WATCH: Eastman residential hall receives renovation after fire

By Phoebe Harms, Staff Writer January 24, 2018
After a fire in Eastman Hall due to lint build-up on Dec. 15, a new laundry room with extra safety measures was added to the residence hall.
Floors eight through 13 of East Tower and all of West Tower are now co ed by door, with individual, gender-neutral bathrooms.

Renovations to Towers residence halls completed over the summer

By Bianca Mestiza and Sierra Guardiola August 30, 2017
The college completed renovations to individual, gender-neutral bathrooms and switched to a co ed by door layout in Towers residence halls.
The School of Business renovated the Center for Trading and Analysis of Financial Instruments to give students a more real-world workplace setting.

Business school trading room renovated to embody Wall Street

By Daniel Hart, Staff Writer October 17, 2016
The Center for Trading and Analysis of Financial Instruments has been renovated this year to more closely resemble a Wall Street trading room.
Simeon's restaurant on The Commons is reopening after over two years of construction, following an accident that destroyed the restaurant in 2014. Simeon's held its "soft opening" Aug. 23 and a grand opening will follow in the coming weeks.

Simeon’s reopens on The Commons two years after accident

By Kyle Arnold, Assistant News Editor August 30, 2016
The intersection of North Aurora Street and East State Street at the head of The Commons is clear of construction for the first time in over two years, marking the reopening of the corner restaurant: Simeon’s bistro.
One of many upgrades to campus that students will see this semester, is a newly-renovated studio in the Roy H. Park School of Communications. Other renovations include upgrades to the Fitness Center; improved Wi-Fi service; and renovations in the Terrace Dining Hall.

Students at Ithaca College return to an upgraded campus

By Kyle Arnold, Assistant News Editor August 24, 2016
The Ithaca College campus has undergone many changes, additions and renovations over the summer, some of which are more visibly obvious than others.

A week in photos — Mar. 7, 2013

By Ithacan Staff March 7, 2013
Click to enlarge and view captions.

Hotel renovations expected to stimulate business

By Lauren Mazzo, Staff Writer April 9, 2012
The addition of a conference center and renovations at the Holiday Inn in downtown Ithaca is expected to increase activity in the area, potentially stimulating hotel and local business.
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