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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The 9,000 panel solar array is currently under construction at Seneca, New York, about 40 miles away from campus, pictured above.

Solar panels to meet 10 percent of Ithaca College’s energy needs

By Faith Meckley and Sophie Johnson February 22, 2016
A solar electric project including 9,000 solar panels that will cover 10 percent of Ithaca College’s energy needs is currently under construction.

Video: Anti-frackers protest Cuomo’s visit to Ithaca

By Sabrina Knight, News Editor July 12, 2013
About 100 members of the Finger Lakes Action Network and the Ithaca community protested against fracking while Governor Andrew Cuomo attended a meeting Wednesday, July 10 in Schoellkopf Hall at Cornell University.
Brenner Fontanelle of the Zuni-Pueblo nation dances at the Native American Music Festival at Ganondagon in Victor, N.Y., over the summer.

Community comes together to honor Native Americans

By Lauren Mazzo, Staff Writer October 31, 2012
Students, faculty and local Native Americans are joining together throughout the month of November to celebrate the 13th annual Native American Heritage Month at Ithaca College.
Paddleboarder Cody White is ready to embark on a three-day, 100-mile trip across Seneca and Cayuga Lakes to raise awareness for Ithaca Land Trust and Cayuga Lake Watershed Network

Paddleboarder tackles the Finger Lakes for conservation awareness

By Kacey Deamer, Online Editor September 6, 2012
Eco-friendly paddleboarder Cody White is setting sail on a 100-mile trek across Cayuga and Seneca Lakes to raise awareness for the Ithaca Land Trust and Cayuga Lake Watershed Network.
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