Full-time contingent faculty members at Ithaca College have voted to form a union with Service Employees International Union Local 200United, according to a press release issued May 24. They elected to unionize in a 23–13 vote out of 47 eligible voters, said Zeke Perkins, organizer for SEIU Local 200United.
“I was in an office with another part-timer at one point, and I had received word that I had a contract for the next semester, and she didn't, and she was a mother, and she said to me ‘I have no idea what I’m going to do now. I have to start applying for jobs,’” Grunberg said.
Last month, the part-time faculty at Ithaca College began moving toward unionization with the help of Adjunct Action, a part of the Service Employees International Union Local 200United. Since the organizers...