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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Senior Aidan Charde talks about the importance of teaching about social equity in sports media major. He belives that it is important to see the discriminatioins and biases in sports.

Commentary: Sports media must educate on equity

By Aidan Charde May 2, 2023
the structure of the major and a lack of education on how we, as men in a predominantly male field, can make the major better for everyone.
Senior Surina Belk-Gupta raises concerns about the non-male discrimination on film sets. She hopes that there will be better education about discrimination.

Commentary: Inequality in film sets must be reformed

By Surina Belk-Gupta April 18, 2023
We need a complete reinstitution of social psychology. So, to all of Park, I ask you to, with me, address it. Acknowledge it. Fix it.
Paula Ioanide, associate professor in the Center for the Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity, recently published her essay on privileged students in the classroom as part of a 10-year collaboration on how to combat biases in academic disciplines.

Q&A: Professor publishes chapter on students’ biases

By Meredith Burke, Opinion Editor April 23, 2019
Opinion Editor Meredith Burke spoke with Ioanide about her chapter, its relevance today and how it relates to her work at the college.
Senior John Romanelli writes about Nike's most recent ad campaign with Serena Williams, how corporations influence public discourse and the objectives behind these influences.

Commentary: Nike pursues progressivism for profit

By John Romanelli February 27, 2019
There may not be such a thing as ethical capitalism, but we have to recognize that Nike has the power to change the public discourse.
Letter to the Editor: Misogyny doesn't count as critique

Letter to the Editor: Misogyny doesn’t count as critique

By Celisa Calacal February 19, 2019
But, there is a marked difference between smart commentary and lazy writing; West’s review is the latter.
Editorial: Faculty load survey results reflect flawed research

Editorial: Faculty load survey results reflect flawed research

December 12, 2018
Moving forward, the Faculty Council should consider how to improve its method of investigating disparities among the workload of faculty members.
Lauren Suna, a sophomore emerging media major, developed a video game that’s meant to simulate sexism in the technology and gaming industry.

Q&A: Student designs video game to combat sexism

By Meaghan McElroy, Opinion Editor April 11, 2018
Opinion Editor Meaghan McElroy spoke to Suna about the game, her experiences with sexism and her plans for the future.
Editorial: Students need to stop burdening female faculty

Editorial: Students need to stop burdening female faculty

February 21, 2018
After a while, burdens like these can lead to exhaustion and burnout. This unequal treatment, whether conscious or not, is unacceptable.
Editorial: Mansplaining must be stopped by professors

Editorial: Mansplaining must be stopped by professors

November 29, 2017
When female students say they no longer want to speak in class for fear of being interrupted or being talked down to, there is obviously a larger issue.
From left, sophomores Miranda Prise, Libby O’Neill and Alex Coburn pose on set. Coburn, a cinema and photography major, writes that female film majors shouldn’t face sexism in the classroom.

Commentary: Film classes shouldn’t include industry sexism

By Alex Coburn November 29, 2017
I love film, but apparently, film doesn’t love me. That doesn’t mean that I’m going to quietly quit.
Mansplaining affects the educational progress for women at IC

Mansplaining affects the educational progress for women at IC

By Falyn Stempler, Staff Writer November 29, 2017
“After he kept talking over me, I didn’t keep trying, because I knew it was going to happen again,’” Friebis said.
Senior Charlotte Robertson writes that students must get out of the mindset of seeing abusers as purely bad because it makes it hard to hold friends and loved ones accountable for their actions.

Commentary: IC doesn’t need a Weinstein to have a problem

By Charlotte Robertson November 8, 2017
When we focus on vilifying one person or group, we miss the bigger picture.
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