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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Installment Five: Money Matters

By Linda Vallancourt, Blogger November 7, 2015
For the first time, I was to become responsible for purchasing everything I needed and desired beyond tuition, room, and a meal plan.

It’s time to stop the sequester

By Rachael Hartford March 1, 2013
Without further congressional action, on March 1 the sequester will take effect and will impose drastic across-the-board federal spending cuts that are meant to be evenly divided over a nine-year period and bring in a projected $1.2 trillion. These austerity-like cuts will decrease tax revenue and increase spending on benefits programs, like unemployment, further causing…

No good deals with Sandy aid

By Rachael Hartford January 24, 2013
Even before it ignored the Hurricane Sandy Aid Bill and headed home fore the December holidays, the 112th Congress was the most ineffective session in history. After scrapping a vote on the larger $60 billion Sandy aid package earlier this month, House Speaker John Boehner was excoriated into holding a vote in this new session…

Budget discussion must move forward

By Rachael Hartford December 14, 2012
President Barack Obama’s election victory was met almost immediately by a panic over the economy pulling a Wile E. Coyote and running off then edge of the cliff, realizing there is nothing beneath it and then subsequently hurtling downwards into oblivion. The “fiscal cliff” is a term that has been used to describe a bundle…
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