Dark comedy–slasher film “Happy Death Day 2U,” the sequel to 2017’s “Happy Death Day,” follows main character Tree Gelbman (Jessica Rothe) as she lives the same day over and over again, each...
Pregnant Ithaca College alumna Yingyi Li-Dikov, M.S. ’08 is killed after being struck by a falling tree in Kissena Park in Queens. Li-Dikov is a 2008 graduate of the college's now defunct master's degree in sport management program.
I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers. No, seriously. A big part of this “talking to weirdos on the Internet” job involves unearthing stranger’s personal email addresses and tweeting at people I’ve never met in the hopes they’ll waste twenty minutes of their life answering my questions. A surprising amount of people are completely…