As I have begun watching more anime, I have noticed a whirlwind of controversy, opposition and obsession surrounding the genre. It continues to polarize viewers. What some consider to be a community of...
Watching an episode of ’s hit show “Impractical Jokers” is like hanging out with a group of high school class clowns — except they are all middle-aged and have a long-running television show. Now,...
Crime dramas and gang politics truly go hand in hand in television, but Netflix’s “Puerta 7” takes an already intricate political gang war and makes it more political. This leads to an overly complicated...
“Insatiable” is a wild and satirical Netflix series. In season 1, Patty Bladell (Debby Ryan), who has been bullied all her life for being overweight, was punched in the face by a homeless man after...
The first season of “Shrill” is best described as a sweet and slow character study about discovering self-worth and the selfishness that can accompany it.
The series traces this journey of self-actualization...
Comedic writing, combined with relatable content, adds a lighthearted tone to ICTV’s first musical TV show, “Subject to Change,” which will tackle issues relevant to the daily lives of college students.
A young Japanese woman warmly greets a family as she enters its house. The family walks the woman through the cluttered, dirty kitchen. A smile spreads across the woman’s face, her excitement to help...
Senior Monica Chen said IPAAFF is important because it opens discussions of inaccurate representation or underrepresentation of Asian Americans in the media.