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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Yiyun Li will read from her memoir, “Dear Friend, From My Life I Write to You in Your Life,” at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 28 in Clarke lounge as part of the Distinguished Visiting Writers Series.

Distinguished Visiting Writer Series hosts memoirist Yiyun Li

By Colin Barrett, Staff Writer February 28, 2017
Eleanor Henderson said the writing department looks for acclaimed authors who will challenge new writers and help them with their own projects.
More than 90 blue-light emergency phones dot Ithaca College's campus. Terri Stewart, director of the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management, said the bulk of calls received from the phones are nonemergencies.

Ithaca College’s blue light system underutilized by students

By Joe Cruz, Contributing Writer February 17, 2016
“I was doing rounds for SASP, and this girl walked by on the phone repeatedly saying ‘I think someone is following me.’” Fleming said. “I was mostly scared for her, but also thought to myself, ‘That could’ve been me.’”
Head coach Mike Welch speaks at the 2015 Cortaca Jug Press Conference Nov. 11 in the Hill Center's multipurpose room. Welch was named an honorary member of the AFCA and earned the 2016 Outstanding Contribution to Amateur Football award.

Head football coach honored by multiple national organizations

By Andrew Sullivan, Sports Editor February 2, 2016
This past month, Mike Welch was named an honorary member of the American Football Coaches Association and received the 2016 Outstanding Contribution to Amateur Football award by the National Football Foundation and the College Football Hall of Fame.
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