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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Mario (Chris Pratt) and Luigi (Charlie Day) team up on the big screen in the successful "The Super Mario Bros. Movie."

Review: Mario makes successful leap to the big screen

By Rua Fay, Contributing Writer April 19, 2023
Despite the film's divisive critical reception, "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" is a fun time for Nintendo fans with its beautiful animation.
From left, Ellie (Bella Ramsey) and Joel (Pedro Pascal) find themselves fighting for their survival after a deadly fungal outbreak.

Review: Video game adaptation lives up to the hype

By Nolan Saunders, Photo Editor March 22, 2023
"The Last of Us" does exactly what every video game adaptation should do: capture the heart and essence of the story.
To make up for COVID-19 cancelling their internship in Los Angeles, student Xing Ke created the visual novel and dating sim video game "Pavonia Paranormal."

Senior creates video game as internship alternative

By Katie Krom, Staff Writer May 5, 2021
To make up for COVID-19 cancelling their internship in Los Angeles, student Xing Ke created the video game "Pavonia Paranormal."
"The Suicide of Rachel Foster" is a harrowing tale that explores themes of psychological manipulation and abuse. The story follows the main character Nicole as she explores her family's hotel.

Review: Video game fosters haunting revelations

By Connor Ahern March 4, 2020

“The Suicide of Rachel Foster” is not a video game for the faint of heart. But players who can stomach the grim tale will uncover an eye-opening journey that explores the repercussions of cruelty and...

NBA 2K20 boasts the most realistic graphics of any of the previous games in the NBA 2K series. The game, besides offering customization options, is a authentic and entertaining.

Review: NBA 2K20 video game is a slam dunk

By Lucas Jafet October 22, 2019

Returning with the 21st installment in its franchise, the NBA 2K series continues to push the envelope and redefine what a quality basketball video game is. NBA 2K20 is the successor to NBA 2K19, and the...

"Borderlands 3" brings back the comedy and explosions the series is known for. The game can be played solo or with a group and offers countless side quests to keep players entertained.

Review: Bizarre and dynamic sequel offers engaging gameplay

By Connor Ahern, Contributing Writer October 8, 2019

“Borderlands 3,” Gearbox Software’s epic shooter-looter, is finally here. The newest installation of the “Borderlands” saga brings comedy and explosions back into the limelight of gaming. To...

From left to right, finalists senior Aidan Lentz and sophomore Julian Gorring. The winner of the tournament, Gorring, walked away with the coveted prize, a Nintendo Switch. The event also offered noncompetitive gaming options.

Gamers race to win new Nintendo Switch

By Cora Payne, Contributing Writer September 25, 2019

For one afternoon, the Emerson Suites was converted into an arcade, complete with dim lighting and energetic music. Students flooded into the room to watch their peers race through Rainbow Road, battling...

"Control" follows Jesse Faden while she searches for her missing brother who went missing 20 years ago. The game is plagued with stagnant battles but is, ultimately, a piece of well-cultivated gameplay.

Review: Confusion and complexity shape third-person game

By Jake Leary, Staff Writer September 18, 2019

Video game developer Remedy Entertainment loves a good pastiche. Its popular “Max Payne” series paid tribute to Asian action films, while “Alan Wake” gamified small-town horror. The company's new...

"Tom Clancy's Division 2" features a deeply detailed environment yet fails at immersing the player. The game feels like a copy of the other game in the series and does little in the way of offering a new, interesting gameplay.

Review: Video game is a carbon copy of predecessor

By James Baratta March 25, 2019

Ubisoft’s “Tom Clancy’s The Division 2” regurgitates the cliche, fictional story of a crumbling society as the same crippling epidemic from the previous game in the series brings the United States...

"Exocraft" feel nostalgic of old 80s sci-fi titles, but does not provide a real challenge for players. The game drones on with a repetitive map and quests, and does nothing to keep players hooked on it.

Review: “Exocraft” is extraordinarily generic

By Alex Hartzog March 18, 2019

Resource management games can be charming to some, but Goldfire Studios’ “Exocraft” is an uninspired knockoff of many other sci-fi games. “Exocraft” blends the space sci-fi aesthetics of games...

The apocalyptic first-person shooter is incredibly immersive and uses sounds, environments and suspense to draw the player into the virtual world. New game mechanics also enhance the experience.

Review: “Metro Exodus” provides a perfectly apocalyptic playthrough

By James Baratta March 5, 2019

“Metro Exodus,” a first-person shooter by 4A Games, is a deep, intoxicating inhale of contaminated air that has players fastening their gas masks and jumping straight into a world where survival is...

"Rainswept" is full of breathtaking art and music, but the game lacks character building and plot. The game also suffers from a plethora of glitches and errors that interrupt the immersive experience.

Review: “Rainswept” is a deluge of visceral visuals

By Avery Alexander February 20, 2019

A rich landscape of beautiful, rolling hills is quickly followed by the silhouette of a man in his window — then a heart-stopping bang leads to peaceful silence. This is the beginning of “Rainswept,”...

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