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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Sarah Germonprez, lecturer in the Department of Accounting and Business Law, talks about the effects of the United States Supreme Court case Citizens United on politics.

Commentary: Citizens United gives the wealthy unrestricted power

By Sarah Germonprez March 1, 2023
Ever heard of the U.S. Supreme Court case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission?
From left, seniors Siddique Ahmed and Melissa Buxton are officers of POC in Finance and Women in Finance, respectively.

IC organizations boost women and POC in the financial world

By Elijah de Castro, Assistant Life and Culture Editor October 27, 2021
Women in Finance and POC in Finance are organizations that promote financial literacy and boost their respective communities in business.
Mathematician Cathy O’Neil published a book in 2016 called “Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy,” which was the focus of her talk.

Mathematician discusses harmful impact of data in society

By Sam Haut, Staff Writer April 21, 2017
Cathy O’Neil presented what she has learned about how data are used to manipulate how society functions, from firing teachers to jailing criminals.
Brendan Davis poses for a picture while on a trip in Dublin, Ireland, during the summer of 2014. The word “ras” contains Irish Gaelic roots upon which Davis founded his philosophy.

Student transforms an old-fashioned word into a way of life

By Kristen Gowdy, Senior Writer September 23, 2015
Senior Brendan Davis formed the philosophy, and later company, for which he calls Ras Life to make movies to inspire others.
The sit-in on Broadway around the Bull

First Amendment Rights Don’t Come First

By Faith Meckley, Staff Writer October 3, 2014 the excitement from Flood Wall Street died down, I saw that day much differently. I now see how tightly the police controlled us, and, subsequently, how watered-down our first amendment right to peaceably assemble was.

Kristy’s Corner: Answering why sports matter

By Andrew Kristy, Columnist January 22, 2014
In his first column, Andrew Kristy tackles the question of why sports matter

Alumnus steals show with all-star film

By Qina Liu, Staff Writer November 2, 2011
Since graduating from Ithaca College, Bill Carraro ’81 has produced hit films such as “The Adjustment Bureau,” “The Golden Compass,” “Stay” and “Frequency.”

Occupy This: A Playlist for Revolution

By Jared Dionne October 14, 2011
With the Occupy Wall Street movement branching out to other municipalities, people are jumping up to get their voices heard. I tend to express myself through the music I listen to so I decided to put together the Top 10 Tracks for Occupation (according to my iTunes). Let me know if I missed any that…
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