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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

From left, senior Grace Isaksen, first-year student Amanda Zweifler, sophomore Peyton Miller and senior Jennifer Pitts celebrate a point for the volleyball team.

Athletics victory song makes dreams come true

By Aidan Charde, Sports Editor March 22, 2023
While “You Make My Dreams (Come True)” is far from a traditional victory song, Will Rothermel, former associate director of Athletics, said the energetic intro made it the perfect celebration song.
Victoria Garrick graduated from University of Southern California in 2018 and has given speeches about mental health and body-image advocacy on campuses across the country.

Mental health advocate talks to IC athletes, coaches and staff

By Tommy Mumau, Assistant sports editor September 15, 2021
The Ithaca College Student-Athlete Advisory Council gave each of the college’s sports teams the opportunity to meet with Victoria Garrick, to discuss the importance of mental health.
Junior golfer Alex Perry and junior swimmer Cody Conte are openly transgender athletes competing for varsity teams at Ithaca College. They met approximately a year ago and are now close friends.

Playing with Pride: Transgender student-athletes reconcile sport and identity

By Emily Adams, Sports Editor October 24, 2019
Junior golfer Alex Perry and junior swimmer Cody Conte identify as transgender and use masculine names and pronouns while competing for women's varsity teams.
Marco Fontana, a senior sport management major and varsity baseball player, is the director of ticket sales for the Cortaca Jug game on Ithaca College's campus.

Business students spearhead ticket sale planning for Cortaca

By Audrey Gamble, Staff Writer September 17, 2019
A group of students from the School of Business, led by senior Marco Fontana, are leading the on-campus ticket sales for the Cortaca Jug game.
Wrestling head coach Marty Nichols observes his team during a match against Wilkes University on Feb. 8. Nichols was a three-time All-American at Ithaca College and graduated in 1990.

Former Bombers develop new generation of athletes

By Jack Murray, Sports Editor February 27, 2019
Ithaca College has a strong alumni presence within the athletic department, including having five alumni who are current varsity coaches.
Wrestler Jaison White competes for the Bombers in Ben Light Gymnasium.

Wrestling team looks for continued success in new region

By Will Gaglioti, Staff Writer February 8, 2018
The Ithaca College wrestling team finds itself in a new region this year and has earned the opportunity to host the regional tournament because of it.
Senior freestyle swimmer Nilza Costa uses weights as part of her circuit during  conditioning practice at 6:20 a.m. in the Athletics and Events Center weight room.

Early morning practices can impact sleep and academics

By Alyssa Curtis, Staff Writer October 25, 2017
Members of varsity and club teams have mixed feelings about having practice between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
Junior Aaron Jay, senior Jack Fagan and sophomore Mike Moritz are members of the club baseball team and struggle to find practice times for the team. Moritz, along with sophomore Kirby Wilhelm, proposed a bill to the Student Governance Council on April 24 to turf Yavits Field by N-Lot.

Club sports fight to be able to use field space

By Casey Koenig, Staff Writer May 3, 2017
Club sports have begun to fight for field space, so that practices and games can run on their own schedules.
Freshman Christopher Tinti gets on a bus April 7 to attend the Coach P Invitational in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania for track and field.

Creating game schedules involves coordination

By Annette Hogan, Staff Writer April 12, 2017
Creating the schedules for both conference and nonconference games means looking at every variable to make sure there will be no future problems.
Junior Michael Caruso helps junior Sam Brown after the women's tennis match against the University of Rochester on April 4 in the Glazer Arena. Caruso is one of 26 athletes who is also an athletic training major.

Athletes find their stride in therapeutic majors

By Jeb Biggart, Staff Writer April 5, 2017
After suffering injuries themselves, athletes look towards health related fields as their future career paths in AT, OT, and PT.
Members of the Ithaca community plunge into the Cayuga lake March 19 at Taughannock Falls State Park.

Ithaca College athletes raise money for Special Olympics

By Jaysha Patel, Contributing Writer March 22, 2016
The Student Athlete Advisory Committee at Ithaca College raised $686 for the Polar Plunge with the help of the athletic community.

Former student-athlete hired as Associate Athletic Director

By Kristen Gowdy, Sports Editor April 27, 2015
Will Rothermel was recently hired as the new Associate Athletic Director for the college.
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