“A Hidden Life” feels like an aggregation of director Terrence Malick’s long-running, legendary career, similar to Martin Scorsese’s “The Irishman.” Both films clock in at over two and a half...
Coming off the success of “Thor: Ragnarok,” writer, director and actor Taika Waititi returns to his off-beat style of comedy in “Jojo Rabbit.” Set in 1945 Germany, the film follows a young boy...
Heyman said he tells his story because he believes stories of tragedy and human rights violations are not often told. He cited recognition last month by the U.S. to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide after 100 years, as a step in the right direction, but occurring too late.
By Celisa Calacal, Life & Culture Editor
• January 27, 2016
Elaine Danforth Harmon served as a WASP during World War II, and when she passed away in 2015, she was denied burial at Arlington National Cemetery. Now, her family has started a petition to grant the WASPs the rights they deserve.
By Annika Kushner, Contributing Writer
• November 4, 2015
Each Monday, sophomore Conor Friend gets out of bed at 5:30 a.m., throws on a T-shirt and gym shorts and gets in the car to drive to Cornell University. There, he meets the roughly 30 other members of the Ithaca College and Cornell University Reserve Officers’ Training Corps for their workout.