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Open Letter: Sport Studies program should be reinstated

Jennifer Williams/The Ithacan
Stephen Mosher, coordinator of the Sport Studies minor program, teaches his Social Aspects of Sport class in 2014.

Dear Ithaca College Community,

On April 22, 2014, Ithaca College’s former Interim Provost and Vice President of Educational Affairs and current Dean of the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, Linda Petrosino, announced the discontinuation of the Sport Studies (Bachelor of Arts) major to be completely terminated by Spring Semester 2018. The decision to eliminate the program has left many, including myself, perplexed over the elimination, the deficiency, and the ill-informed decision-making skills the Dean and other administrators involved with this decision have displayed over the past two years. I want to share with you the hypocrisies, inconsistencies, and lack of judgment the administration has displayed in eliminating Sport Studies.

In the Spring semester of 2013, the Sport Management and Media department submitted its program review document to the Academic Policies Committee for review. Part of the review said, “An outside evaluation was conducted by Dr. Laurence Chalip of the University of Illinois. Dr. Chalip is widely considered to be a leader in the field, with expansive knowledge of both the genesis of departments, as well as future trends in the industry.” In Dr. Chalip’s overall evaluation of the department, he made a clear recommendation that the department retain the Sport Studies program. This recommendation clearly was ignored. Further, in no section of the program review document did the department itself suggest that the program be eliminated. Thus, the recommendation to eliminate the program came explicitly from Dean Petrosino. In the Spring 2014 semester, former Student Government Association Vice President of Academic Affairs, Isuru Perera-Somasinghe, met with former Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs, Marisa Kelly, to discuss the termination of the major and came away with the following: “The recommendation to cut the program was an interdepartmental understanding that was posited via Program review that I believe every program undergoes.” When Isuru cited the potential cost issues surrounding increased enrollment, the response he received was that it was more about a strategic vision than it was about cost and enrollment. If the program was being eliminated for strategic vision, eliminating Sport Studies clearly goes against the recently concluded feasibility study, which included interviews with members of the Board of Trustees and other close alumni, parents, and friends. Early solicitation discussions with campaign committee members have reaffirmed the resolution and recommendations. One of those priorities in the campaign included, “Programs that encourage students to grow intellectually and socially, both on and off campus, and connect them with the global marketplace no matter where they are.” Sport Studies does just that as the program has inspired at least eight to nine students to pursue and achieve PhDs in the field. Why eliminate a program that meets the priority? Eliminating the program completely goes against the values of the Integrative Core Curriculum as it provides any student the academic freedom to pursue a quality education. The major was carefully constructed to allow students 30 credits of free electives and, with careful planning, they could graduate with four minors or a second major. Therefore, if strategic vision is the primary reason for eliminating the program, the administration has failed to do its due diligence in its decision to eliminate Sport Studies.

In the Fall 2014 semester, I met with Dean Petrosino and was not told specific reasons why the program was being eliminated, showing major inconsistency within the administration. Yet one year later (Fall 2015), a fellow senior Sport Studies major, Kyle James, met with President Rochon, and Rochon’s response as to why the program is being eliminated is because the administration did not want a program being run through one professor. A major fallacy within Rochon’s rationale is that a student could obtain the major by taking as few as three courses with the program coordinator, Dr. Stephen Mosher. Presently, six of the seven faculty members in the department teach liberal arts courses that apply to the Sport Studies major. This only further highlights the inconsistencies among the administration. I met again with Dean Petrosino in the Fall of 2015 to ask follow-up questions and she cited low enrollment as one of the reasons why Sport Studies was being eliminated, contradicting former Provost Marisa Kelly. However, after publicly announcing the elimination of the major, according to Institutional Research data, enrollment increased by 185% from the Spring 2013 semester to Fall of 2015 semester. While it has been argued that the major had low numbers to start with (7), any student would not declare a major that was getting eliminated unless they saw value in that respective major. Further, the major currently has a near 50% minority enrollment rate (a marketer’s dream). The program has historically had high rates of minority students. Why eliminate a major that produces those numbers? Dean Petrosino has argued that because the major has small numbers, the minority rate is essentially irrelevant. Not only is that disrespectful to the seven minority enrolled students, but that rationale also does not consider that proportionally, the program still has one of the highest minority enrollment campus-wide. Since when has it become the strategic vision to eliminate a program that offers a safe haven for minority students, or better yet, marginalized students?

In the final semester in which students could declare the major, (Fall 2014), there were clear acts of negative marketing and recruiting of the major. For example, during that semester, information on the Sport Studies major could not be found under the Academic Programs portion of the Ithaca College website under the Department of Sport Management and Media. Further, the large banner that lists all of the majors that can be found at admissions events for HSHP did not include the Sport Studies major. If enrollment was such a concern among administration, how can these two acts be justified?

When I talk about negative recruiting, I can attest firsthand that negative recruiting occurred within the actual Sport Management and Media department. When I submitted the paperwork to change my major from Sport Management to Sport Studies, a current professor within the department asked a former department assistant, “Is he crazy? He will never get a job in the sport industry.” I would be willing to bet other students faced negative acts of recruiting as well. Why is this acceptable at Ithaca College? Clearly, there were multiple outside factors that led to “low enrollment,” and not the quality of the program itself.

Continuing on the notion of a lack of marketing, Sport Studies saw considerably less marketing in comparison to the other two majors within the department (Sport Management and Sport Media). During the Spring 2016 semester in an open forum held by the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance administration, senior Journalism major, Sport Studies minor, Kristen Gowdy posed multiple questions surrounding the lack of marketing the Sport Studies major. Dean Petrosino argued that the Sport Studies program is a discovery major thus students “kind of find out about it when they’re on campus.” If that is the case, enrollment should not be a major factor in deciding the program’s fate. By labeling a program a discovery major, that creates a situation where the program is essentially set up to fail.

In that same forum, Dean Petrosino publicly stated that she thought after the announcement of the program being eliminated, “Some faculty … did a hard sell in terms of outreach and recruiting.” This statement is incredibly problematic on multiple levels. First, by saying that professors did a hard sell, I interpret that as professors coerced students into declaring the major. That is simply false. Further, that notion is one of the most offensive, disrespectful things an administrator could claim from a student’s perspective. This accusation suggests students don’t know what they want with their education. This undermines our ability to make proper decisions with our education. If false scrutiny is going to be placed on faculty for making a hard sell to students, why are we not focusing on those that performed negative marketing and thus leading to a potential reason for “low enrollment?” Why are false accusations like the one Dean Petrosino made tolerated at this institution?

Dean Petrosino also mentioned at the open forum that the decision also had to do with freeing up resources for the school to be relocated to other areas of need. When asked, however, she failed to mention where the freed up resources will be relocated. Sport Studies is one of the most cost effective programs on campus. If the institution is so concerned with saving money, why are we eliminating a major that does just that, while providing a quality education to our students?

This is a poor decision in terms of reallocating resources. Further, the Sport Studies minor will continue to be offered beyond 2018. The core courses required for the major within the department will still be required for the minor. Thus, unless the minor is significantly revised, there really aren’t any resources that would be opened as a result of this elimination.

All departments are required to go through a program review process. The program review that was submitted to the Academic Policies Committee by the former chair of the department and Dean was the incorrect version. Three professors wrote and submitted an addendum that was included in the final program review document. Yet, that version of the program review never made it to APC. When I brought this to Dean Petrosino’s attention during our Fall 2015 meeting, she wanted no part of discussing the matter. In fact, by the time I brought this to her attention, I was nearly removed from her office. This begs a few questions. Why was the wrong document submitted? What is being hidden by not submitting the correct document? Finally, why is such an action acceptable at this institution?  The administration consistently tells the campus that in order for change to occur, things need to go through the proper process. In this case, the administration chose to ignore the process for what seems to be to their benefit. What that benefit it is remains unknown, which is deeply concerning.

Some of the data and evidence I am sharing in this letter has been shared with the administration. Yet, most of the evidence, such as the outside evaluation, the lack of marketing, and the wrong program review submission have been reduced by the administration to only having a small impact on the decision. However, programmatic decisions are not a circle where the decision can be cut up into an infinite amount of pieces. At some point, even if the individual pieces of evidence were small, have to come together to be a big part of the decision. Therefore, my question to the administration is: What is the big part of the decision that I am missing?

When I tie everything together, I am left confused with multiple questions the administration has failed to answer. Why are we as an institution eliminating a major that embraces the liberal arts education that I thought Ithaca College was committed to? By eliminating the Sport Studies major, there will no longer be a BA program in HSHP, turning the school into little more than a trade school. Why are we eliminating a major that intentionally encourages students to study abroad and declare a second major? These are two possibilities that are highly celebrated and supported institutionally. One third of Sport Studies majors currently are enrolled in a second major. Why are we eliminating a program that has historically had high enrollment from marginalized constituencies, especially with the build up to last semester’s issues? Why are we eliminating a program in which the administration can’t point to a legitimate reason as to why it is being eliminated? Finally, why are we as a campus community allowing the administration to yet again make a decision that goes against the long-term vision of this institution? Smaller departments on this campus should fear for their preservation. If you think that this can’t happen to your program, you are wrong. The administration runs this institution like a business, with little effort to care about education. Decisions like eliminating the Sport Studies major can and will bankrupt a business.

I am not writing this letter to you because Sport Studies is my major. I am not writing this from a state of anger. I am going to receive my diploma in less than one month. However, it would be inexcusable for me to not fully inform the Ithaca College community of the unacceptable acts that have occurred surrounding the elimination of the Sport Studies program. I fully understand that hard decisions are made everyday by administration to try to advance the institution to a better future. However, given the evidence I have provided, the administration simply got this decision wrong. I am writing to you all because there are countless individuals who have benefited from a great program and there are so many future students who will never receive the same benefits. That is, unless we as a community can come together and reverse the decision of the administration. While it is clear that a few individuals are to blame for this elimination, we as a campus need to look forward in pushing the administration to reinstate the major while also ensuring that poor decision making and lack of transparency does not occur when other programs are being evaluated. This is our time to stand up against the administration to right a highly questionable decision. We need to stand strong and save Sport Studies.


Elijah Breton

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Jensen Hurley, 2016
Dr. Ellen Staurowsky, former Professor in Sport Management and Media
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Alex Haubenstock, 2013
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Rebecca McCarthy, 2013
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