“The Happiness Project” engages the Ithaca College community with questions about happiness.
This week’s question:
Do you feel happy? Explain in a minute or less.
Leonard Davis, Class of 2017, Business Administration and Finance. LUKE HARBUR/THE ITHACAN
“I’m in a state of euphoria. Beyond happiness.”
From left to right: Gabriella Pesce, Class of 2019, Mathematics. Renee Brown, Class of 2019, Health Science with Pre-Med concentration (speaking). LUKE HARBUR/THE ITHACAN
“Today’s all right. The weather’s got me down. I guess I’m happy.”
Suzannah Van Gelder, Class of 2020, Culture & Communication. LUKE HARBUR/THE ITHACAN
“I think Ithaca is full of positive energy and happy people.”
Audio contributed by Multimedia Editor Luke Harbur and staff members Maxine Hansford and Natalie Newman.