I just had an epiphany. It is a few years too late, but still worth noting.
In high school when I wanted something, I played a game with my mom.
“Hey can I go out tonight?”
“Sure,” (for the record, the process from asking to go out and getting the go ahead was more complicated.)
“What about, like, sleep out, maybe?”
“Okay, but can I sleep out?”
“That’s fair, but I want to.”
The fact that she strait up said no multiple times didn’t faze me. It was expected; minor speed bumps in the argument as a whole.
It’s crazy the game we play with our parents to get things.
“Mom will you pay for my hair cut? Just a reminder that you paid for Leah’s last year,” I’ll ask. Leah is my older sister.
“You mean when I paid for her to get a hair cut before her college graduation?”
“Oh, that was the occasion? Well yes, then, that time. You paid for it, so can you pay for mine?”
This happens every time I want a hair cute, or some money or anything that my sister might have ever gotten. My mom despises when I compare stuff to how my sister was treated at my age, but I find it fairly clutch evidence for my claims.
Sorry to all the moms out there who have to deal with us refusing to accept no as an answer. At least I made the realization today how annoying it is. For the record, I’m not going to stop, but I’m sure it makes you feel better that I acknowledge it now.