I have found the perfect solution for those alumni who say they won’t give donations to the college because of a little thing called a mascot: Alumnidate.com.
The Florida-based website connects alumni with each other, in hopes that they “rekindle” that long-lost flame. And for each member that makes a profile at the cost of $29.95 monthly, Alumni Date will donate 10 percent to the member’s college. So far, there are only 45 members since the website opened, so you single IC alumni, get your butts on there!
There you have it: alumni are able to rekindle with lost flames and their colleges receive donations. chaaa-chinngg!
This website is perfect for Ithaca College. Think about it. Both alumni and the college will be content. Who wouldn’t want to connect with that boy from freshman year who followed you around with his guitar? Or that hot senior girl you never had the guts to talk to? Or how about that boy who liked you “but just wasn’t ready for a relationship” in college? Get on Alumni Date and see if he’s ready now!
And even better for IC, since alumni have been threatening to not donate because of … recent events … this can be a way for donations to still come through.
(and if donations and IC memberships are up next year on Alumni Date, I will proudly take credit)