The Office of Public Safety has recovered the portrait of former Ithaca College President George C. Williams that went missing on Oct. 14.
Tom Dunn, investigator with the Office of Public Safety, said the painting, which would have cost almost $7,000 to replace, was found near the Circles Community Building at about 10:40 pm Thursday night. It is unknown how the painting ended up near the Circle Apartments, Dunn said. The painting normally hung on the first floor of Williams Hall.
Williams was chosen by founder William Grant Egbert to be the college’s second president. He was responsible for having the school’s name changed from the Ithaca Conservatory of Music to Ithaca College.
Dunn said he was happy that the painting was recovered.
“For me, that’s very good news,” Dunn said. “I appreciate that people would want to get it back to where it belongs.”
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