As the Spring 2012 semester of classes begins at colleges and universities, students are not the only ones preparing for more months of classroom instruction. Professors also must begin planning their courses for an entirely new group of students. As they are drawing up their syllabi for the students, professors should consider adding a disclaimer on their personal beliefs about teaching in higher education and their relationships with students, much like Art Carden has done for his Economics 101 class.
Carden, Assistant Professor of Economics at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tenn., submitted his first person credo as a contributor for Forbes Magazine. In it, he aimed to debunk myths many students associate with their professors.
Carden’s address goes beyond cliched claims that he once was a student as well, explaining that he is a mentor and instructor who cares deeply about how his pupils perform in his class. He also states how students should not confuse poor grades, which are a result of poor work habits, with personal attacks.
So when deadlines from several classes begin to pile up in the coming weeks, remember that your professors genuinely want you to master their course material, and are a valuable resource for you providing you take the initiative to ask questions when you’re unsure and follow set guidelines.