September 18
SCC Drug Violation
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Officer determined fire alarm activation caused by marijuana smoke. Officer judicially referred five people for violating the drug policy. Master Patrol Officer
Bob Jones.
September 19
Motor vehicle accident
SUMMARY: Tompkins County Response reported a two-car property damage motor vehicle accident. Person reported headache and neck pain. Person declined medical assistance with ambulance staff. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
Endangering welfare
SUMMARY: Caller reported unattended child left in vehicle. Officer issued person a warning. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
September 20
Medical Assistance
LOCATION: Hill Center
SUMMARY: Caller reported person having a seizure. Person was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Assistance was provided. Patrol Officer Dylan Hardesty.
Assist State Police
LOCATION: All other
SUMMARY: New York State Police reported investigating property damage in motor vehicle accident. Assistance was provided. Master Patrol Officer Bruce Holmstock.
September 21
Assist State Police
LOCATION: All other
SUMMARY: Ithaca Police Department reported three people were arrested for noise and open containers. Master Security Officer Wendy Lewis.
Sexual Misconduct
LOCATION: Rowland Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported thirdhand information that known person sexually assaulted another person. Investigation pending. Sergeant Ron Hart.
Petite Larceny
LOCATION: Boothroyd Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person stole camera. Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa.
Criminal Tampering
LOCATION: Emerson Hall
SUMMARY: Environmental Health and Safety staff reported damage to sprinkler. Officer judicially referred two people for criminal tampering with fire safety equipment. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
September 22
Suspicious Person
LOCATION: East Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported person putting flyers underneath doors and making unwanted comments to females. Unable to locate reported person. Patrol Officer Jennilee Valentin.
Criminal Mischief
LOCATION: Emerson Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported unknown person damaged exit signs. Investigation pending. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento. Patrol Officer Bryan Verzosa.
Unlawful Possession
LOCATION: Recreation Trail
SUMMARY: Officer reported person on trail after hours and in possession of marijuana. Officer judicially referred one person for unlawful possession of marijuana.
Medical Assistance
SUMMARY: Caller reported pain in upper arm. Person was transported to the hospital. Assistance was provided. Patrol Officer Jennilee Valentin.
September 23
SCC Irresponsible Use
LOCATION: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported person non-responsive. Person declined medical assistance from ambulance staff and was judicially referred for underage possession and irresponsible use of alcohol. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
SCC Underage Possession
LOCATION: Circle Apartments
SUMMARY: Caller reported person with open container of alcohol. One person judicially referred for underage possession and open container. Officer judicially referred person responsible. Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol.
Unlawful Possession
LOCATION: Recreation Trail
SUMMARY: Officer reported smell of smoke. Officer judicially referred three people for being on trails after hours and starting a fire. Two people were referred for unlawful possession of marijuana. Patrol Officer John Tagliavento.
September 24
Medical Assistance
LOCATION: Holmes Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported person having an allergic reaction. Person transported to hospital by ambulance. Master Patrol Officer Bob Jones.
SCC Irresponsible Use
LOCATION: Rowland Hall
SUMMARY: Caller reported person vomiting uncontrollably. One person was transported to the hospital by ambulance and judicially referred for irresponsible use of alcohol. Patrol Officer Jake Tubbs.
Medical Assistance
SUMMARY: Caller reported feeling anxious with elevated heart rate. Person was transported to hospital by ambulance. Fire Protection Specialist Max Noble.
SCC Underage Possession
LOCATION: West Tower
SUMMARY: Caller reported people with alcohol. Three people were judicially referred for underage possession on alcohol. Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol.