CAPS organizes weekly virtual anxiety workshop
The Center for Counseling and Psychological Services is organizing a weekly 50–minute “Anxiety Toolbox” workshop on Mondays starting at 1 p.m. Sept. 18. The workshop will be held via Zoom and multiple students can attend. Brian Peterson, director of the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services, will be facilitating the workshop and will go over strategies students can use to cope with stress and anxiety. The workshop is open to all and students need not be CAPS clients to attend. To register, students must email [email protected] and they will receive a Zoom link via email.
Educational Technology Advisory Committee seeks subcommittee members
The Educational Technology Advisory Committee is looking for sub-committee volunteers to review secure testing solutions and student response systems in Canvas. Faculty who serve on the sub-committees will be required to serve on it for one semester. Interested faculty should contact ETAC co-chairs Jenna Linskens, director of Learning and Innovative Technologies, or Colleen Countryman, assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, at [email protected] or [email protected] by Sept. 10.
Four Year Family Conference to be held for Higher Education Opportunity Program students
The Office of Access, Opportunity and Achievement is organizing the “Four Year Family Conference” that is mandatory for all Higher Education Opportunity Program students from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 16. Students will be placed in workshops and training sessions based on their cohort year. Some of the workshops will be facilitated by guest speakers and lunch will be provided after the event. The attire will be business casual and students are encouraged to carry their electronic and physical note-taking devices. All questions and accommodation requests should be sent to [email protected].
Professor publishes essay in Journal of Mexican Studies
Jennifer Jolly, Dana Professor in the Department of Art, Art History, and Architecture, published an essay in the Journal of Mexican Studies. Jolly’s essay is titled “José María Morelos, Brownness, and the Visibility of Race in Nineteenth-Century Mexico.” The essay used both visual and written elements to discuss the systems of racial logics and caste–based social scales through José María Morelos, a Mexican independence hero.
Open house sessions inform faculty about Writing Center
The Center for Faculty Excellence and the Writing Center are organizing open house sessions to educate faculty about the role and resources of the Writing Center. These sessions will last 45 minutes and are offered at 10 a.m., 12:10 p.m. and 2 p.m. Sept. 18 in Smiddy Hall 107. Faculty can attend only one of the three sessions, which will be hosted by Priya Sirohi, director of the Writing Center and assistant professor in the Department of Writing. Interested faculty can register for the event via IC Engage. All accommodation requests should be made to [email protected].
Hillel hosts Rosh Hashanah banquet
Hillel at Ithaca College is organizing a Rosh Hashanah Banquet from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 15 in Emerson Suites. The banquet is free for all students and food will be catered by Kosher Korner. Students are encouraged to RSVP to the event via IC Engage. There will be gluten–free, dairy-free and vegetarian options available as well. Accommodation requests should be sent to Lauren Goldberg, executive director of Hillel at Ithaca College, at [email protected].
Student Organization Leadership Conference prepares students to lead
The Office of Student Engagement is organizing a Student Organization Leadership Conference from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 22 in Emerson Suites. The conference will advise students on how to effectively lead a student organization at the college and is open to staff and faculty advisors as well. Refreshments will be available and students will also have the opportunity to enter in a raffle. The conference can count for two Student Leadership Institute credits. Students can choose which sessions they would like to attend, and need not be present for all four hours. Interested individuals can register for the conference via IC Engage and any questions should be directed to [email protected].
Office of Student Engagement seeks student organization advisers
The Office of Student Engagement is looking for student organization advisors for the 2023–24 academic year. Interested individuals must express interest by Sept. 30 through completing the Advisor Interest Form. Advisors are responsible for helping manage students’ processes and procedures and promoting leadership. All questions should be directed to [email protected].
First–Generation Center hosts welcome event
The First–Generation Center is organizing a welcome event from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 8 in the Clark Lounge. The entire campus community is invited to meet the college’s first-generation community and get new updates from the center. Lunch will be provided at the event. All questions should be directed to [email protected] or 607-274-7756.