“The Hunchback of Notre Dame” marks graduate student Alex Gutierrez’s final show at Ithaca College and the last production ever to be put on by a student in the Master of Music in Conducting program.
Nearing the end of the academic year, students have the opportunity to showcase months of hard work. For the students in the Non-Timber Forest Products class, this is South Hill Forest Products.
The ice cream sundae's origin is still up in the air as Ithaca and Two Rivers, Wisconsin, have claimed the creation of the frozen treat for many years.
By Matt Minton, Co Life and Culture Editor
• April 19, 2023
Conveniently located on 113 S Cayuga St. right near The Commons, Hawi Ethiopian Cuisine aims to bring the traditional dishes of Ethiopia to Ithaca — and it succeeds.
Nestled between the Ithaca ReUse Center and Pat's Pizzeria along Elmira Road lives a metal shack. The shack has no electricity, but it has been churning out the best tacos in Ithaca.
Deep Dive is keeping Ithaca’s rich live music history alive at this historic location, perpetuating Ithaca as an epicenter for cultural growth and movement.
While painting, students simultaneously create a personalized masterpiece on a canvas while drinking a non-alcoholic beverage and call it a paint and sip party.
By Matt Minton, Co Life and Culture Editor
• April 19, 2023
On April 16, KATALYST K-Pop put on its latest performance, “OUR_WORLD,” in Emerson Suites set to songs and choreography by popular artists like SEVENTEEN, SHINee and Orange Caramel.