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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Stephan Lefebvre, Diversity Scholars Fellow in the Department of Economics and a predoctoral student at American University, is researching wealth, racial inequality and Latino studies. The School of Humanities and Sciences opens the Diversity Fellowship Program to diverse scholars who are preparing for future positions at colleges and universities.

Q&A: Diversity fellow examines wealth and racial inequality

By Nijha Young, Staff Writer November 20, 2019
Stephan Lefebvre, Diversity Scholars Fellow in the Department of Economics and a predoctoral student at American University, is completing research.
Students write messages in Sharpie across a giant beach ball inside the Campus Center on April 11. The beach ball was a part of Freedom Week, an event put on by IC Young Americans for Liberty to advocate for free speech.

Ithaca College students seek to preserve free speech

By Jonah Swiatek, Staff Writer April 19, 2016
“Make tuition free.” “Bernie 2k16.” “I’m late for class to write on a ball.” These are a few of the many messages scrawled in Sharpie across a giant beach ball inside the Campus Center on April 11.
Students at other colleges are joining forces to show solidarity with Ithaca College and University of Missouri. Students at the University of Maryland are planning to take a solidarity picture at their Frederick Douglass Statue Nov. 12.

Students at other schools show solidarity with Ithaca College

By Melanie De Lima, Staff Writer November 11, 2015
Students at other colleges and universities are joining in solidarity with racial protests at the University of Missouri and Ithaca College.

Commentary: Ithaca College falls short in sustainability

By Faith Meckley December 4, 2013

Earlier this semester, I came across Sierra Club’s 2013 Coolest Schools rankings, which judges colleges on their sustainability. As I clicked my way through the top-10 list, from No. 10 to No. 1, I was...

ITHACA TODAY: Tuesday, Nov. 5

November 5, 2013
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ITHACA TODAY: Wednesday, Oct. 30

October 30, 2013
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