Since 1976, the Comic Book Club of Ithaca has been organizing Ithacon, a local comic book-centered convention. With the exception of 2020, Ithacon has been running annually for members of the Ithaca community...
Two shows currently inhabit the walls of the Handwerker Gallery with vibrant colors and bold shapes on one side and delicate portraits of the human body on the other.
In a micro edition of Deja View, Reviews Editor Jake Leary sat down with Assistant Multimedia Editor Matt Maloney to talk about the moral grey area of piracy.
You can read Matt's review of ALL-AMERICAN...
Boston- and Brooklyn-based artist Patte Loper's work is featured in the Handwerker Gallery until March 7 in an exhibit titled "Your Margins, Your Rivers, Your Diminutive Villages." She will give a talk at 6 p.m. Feb. 20 in the Handwerker Gallery.