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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

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The Student News Site of Ithaca College

The Ithacan

Steve TenEyck has been selected as the new dean for the Ithaca College School of Music, Theatre, and Dance. He began his new position at the college March 1.

Ithaca College announces new dean for the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance

By Eamon Corbo, Assistant News Editor March 4, 2025
Steve TenEyck has been selected as the new dean for the Ithaca College School of Music, Theatre, and Dance. He began his new position at the college March 1.
On May 26, 2022, Michael Johnson-Cramer was appointed as the new dean of the Ithaca College School of Business and began his new position on July 1, 2022.

Q&A: New School of Business dean utilizes past experience

By Jadyn Davis, Staff Writer August 21, 2022
Staff writer Jadyn Davis spoke with Michael Johnson-Cramer about what he hopes to accomplish as the new dean of the Ithaca College School of Business.
Junior Camille Ealey, television and digital media major, works in the dean's suite in the Roy H. Park Hall. Each candidate for dean of the Roy H. Park School of Communications held two, one-hour open sessions to introduce themselves; one for faculty and one for staff and students.

Park school holds open sessions to introduce dean candidates

By Lorien Tyne, Assistant News Editor May 4, 2022
Faculty, staff and students attended sessions between May 2 and 5 to meet the final candidates for dean of the Roy H. Park School of Communications.
On March 25, Ithaca College announced that Melanie Stein (pictured) will become the next dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences starting July 1.

Campus reacts to H&S dean appointment

By Ryan King, Assistant News Editor March 27, 2019
Ithaca College announced March 25 that Melanie Stein will be the next dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences
On March 25, Ithaca College announced that Melanie Stein (pictured) will become the next dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences starting July 1.

BREAKING: College announces new H&S Dean

By Ryan King, Assistant News Editor March 25, 2019
Ithaca College announced that it selected Melanie Stein as the next dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences March 25.
From left: Benjamin Rifkin, former provost and vice president for educational affairs at Ithaca College; President Tom Rochon; and Gerald Hector, former vice president for finance and administration, observe a student protest Dec. 11 at Free Speech Rock. All three administrators pictured have since announced they are stepping down from their respective positions at the college.

Administrative departures create uncertainty for academic year

By Sophia Tulp, News Editor August 25, 2016
Ithaca College's senior leadership has seen a significant number of administrative departures, leaving the college with uncertainty about what will be accomplished throughout the remainder of his tenure.

Update: Ithaca College selects permanent H&S School dean

By Meredith Husar, Staff Writer January 25, 2016
Vincent Wei-Cheng Wang has been chosen as the new dean of the Ithaca College School of Humanities and Sciences.
Pat Dickson, current associate dean of undergraduate programs at Wake Forest University’s School of Business speaks to members of Ithaca College’s business community on April 2.

Business dean candidate outlines “four pillars” of business education

By Mark Prowse, Staff Writer April 6, 2015
Ithaca College hosted a presentation from the second of four candidates for the position of School of Business dean April 2, who presented his plans for the job to an audience of the college’s business community in the Dorothy D. and Roy H. Park Center for Business and Sustainable Enterprise.
Leslie Lewis, dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences at Ithaca College, adresses the community as a provost finalist on Dec. 9 in Emerson Suites.

UPDATE: Dean moves on to provost position at Goucher College

By Max Denning, Online News Editor March 23, 2015
Leslie Lewis, dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences at Ithaca College has accepted the position of provost and vice president for academic affairs at Goucher College.
Mary Ellen Zuckerman, dean of the School of Business, will leave the  college at the end of May with an impact felt by students and faculty.

Business School reflects on Zuckerman’s leadership

By Sara Kim, Staff Writer April 30, 2014
As Mary Ellen Zuckerman, dean of the School of Business, prepares to leave at the end of the spring semester, the Ithaca College community reflects on the differences she made in developing student professionalism and enhancing the school’s commitment to sustainability.

Interim dean appointed by provost

By Patrick Duprey, Online Editor April 12, 2012
Craig Cummings, professor and chair of the department in music theory, history and composition, has been named the interim dean of the School of Music, effective July 1, according to an Intercom release penned by Marisa Kelly, provost and vice president of academic affairs.

Alumna accepts HSHP dean position

By Patrick Duprey, Online Editor March 8, 2012
Ithaca College has named Linda Petrosino the new dean of the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, according to a press release issued this morning.
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